doubt on ssis

  • hi this is srikanth ,i am new to ssis

    i got one doubt in ssis

    i want to trasfer tha date using sort transfermation from oracle to sql sever,i take sourse oracle emp table,fealds empno,ename,deptno

    empno ename deptno

    101 smith 10

    102 miller 20

    103 sree 30

    then i took target was sql server ,the table was emp_details,fealds are same,its already contain some data like below

    empno ename deptno

    101 raju 10

    102 rajesh 20

    what my question is ,if i transfer the data from oralce to sql server

    the data should be update like this

    empno ename deptno

    101 smith 10

    102 miller 20

    103 sree 30

    note :the target table in sql server will not allow duplicates,it should be update only

    plz send me answer as soon as posible



  • plz send me the answer for above question

  • It would help if you let is know what you have tried so far to solve the task at hand and where you are having problems.

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  • You need to use an SCD which can update the name record based on empno.


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