Downgrading backup buffers from 960K to 64K

  • Recently we have faced a new issue in live sytem SQL Server 2000 enterprise etdn where a sometimes db backup is very slow. When we restart sql services then it works fine. After restarting we get the message in error logs.

    Downgrading backup buffers from 960K to 64K

    I have read 1 article which speaks about setting maxtransfersize option.

    1) How do I know what value is currently being set for this option and is this option available in MP ?

    2) system is having 4 quadcore CPU with 48GB RAM, what value should I set for this option ?


  • When larger buffer sizes can't be obtained because of the memory outside the buffer pool is fragmented or under pressure you end up with smaller sizes and more I/O requests.

    This error message indicates that the contiguous virtual memory is either insufficient or is too fragmented for the computer to successfully perform a backup. Contiguous virtual memory that is insufficient or that is fragmented could lead to performance problems when you try to back up the database.

    The amount of contiguous virtual memory that is used by the SQL Server 2000 backup process is calculated based on the number of backup devices and the number of database files. The amount of contiguous virtual memory varies based on the type of backup that is being performed and on the type of backup device or backup devices that are being used.

    To determine that the value that you have chosen for the MaxTransferSize parameter or for the BufferCount parameter is correct, you may want to test the value

    To get complete calculation and methods to solve this issue use the Microsoft KB Article

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