"Downsizing" to MSDE ... or something like that ...

  • Hi All,

    I'm new to SQL Server but have been able to develop a nifty application using SQL Server 2000 and an Access ADP front end. Our company has decided that it would be in our best interests to sell this software to others in our industry.

    We would like to offer the SQL Server based program to large companies similar to ours. However, since this industry consists almost entirely of non-profits, we will definitely need to be able to offer a smaller, scaled-down version of this database. The database consists of about 125 tables, 80 or 90 stored procedures, 5-10 triggers, 4 or 5 index constraints, 5 or so functions, 15 to 20 views. The access front end has close to 100 forms and will soon have 50 or so reports.

    I'd like to know what our options are. Can we use something like MSDE 2000, SQL Server Express 2005, or some other free database backend that is as cool as SQL Server? I'd use a regular Access mdb type of file, but they tend to be too slow with some of the complex things happening and I think it would be difficult (or impossible) to recreate the needed functionality in VBA or Access's clunky version of SQL. I would like to retain the access front-end with a somewhat powerful backend. Something free (and free to distribute) would be preferable, as our smaller clients would only need to purchase an Office XP license to use the software.

    So, can anyone offer some insight into the problems I/we face in selling our software - IP law, copyrights, patents, ANYTHING? Recommendations on the downsized version discussed above and any issues that might arise? Good links on the topic?

    Any help you could provide would be beneficial. We are a non-profit, but not one with a hefty wallet. The NFL, after all, is a non-profit as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,

    Kyle Brown

  • Kyle,

    The obvious solution is to use MSDE - this is the same core database engine as SQL Server but with a few restrictions (database size, number of users). As long as your db is less than 2Gb (the max under MSDE) and no more than a dozen or so concurrent users (workload govenor kicks in a 8 concurrent 'operations') then you should be okay.

    However MSDE does not include the client tools (eg Enterprose Manager) so you need to include functions such as Database Backup and Restore in your application (eg using SQL DMO to run these processes).

    Migrating to another dbengine, eg Access's JET, is a non-starter unless you are prepared to redesign your application - for example JET does not have support for Stored Procedures or Triggers.

    MSDE will be replaced by SQL Server Express 2005 - this may be better for your purposes (has a cut down version of Enterprise Manager) you could use this but it will depend on timing - you cannot (well we certainly would not) sell a production system using beta software.

    Another issue is quality - if selling an aplication you need to have very high quality standards with everything to Best Practice or you will have lots of support issues. eg make sure you have Error Logging, Version Control, properly normalised db design, check performance is okay, look into security issues, auditing, etc. ALso look at how you will deliver updates (for example we ended up developing our own equivalent of Microsoft's Automatic Updates because this area can cause a lot of grief).


    David Saville

    Aldex Software Ltd.



  • Excellent resonse from David.

    I think that if you meet the requirements for MSDE then it may be an excellent choice. But if you install MSDE remember that you should at least change the TCP port and that customers will need to apply SP's. I know a lot of people got hit by slammer who never knew that they had SQL installed via MSDE.

  • David and athurgar,

    Thank you very much for the quick replies. I was thinking MSDE would be the best bet. I hear that SQL Server Express doesn't connect to an Access database?

    At any rate, your comments will steer us in the right direction.

    Thanks again,


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