Drop and recreate indexes in new filegroup

  • I'm wanting to drop all my current indexes in my database and re-create all of them again into a new filegroup. Does anybody know how to script this out easily? There are about 1500 indexes in this database, so it wouldn't be practical to do it by hand with Enterprise Manager.

  • Hi Perry,

    Try this code, it only generates the rebuild statements, so you can review it before you actually execute the code:

    declare c_idx cursor local fast_forward


    select o.id, i.indid

    ,      o.name table_name

    ,      i.name index_name

    ,      isnull(indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'PadIndex'), 0)

    ,      indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'IndexFillFactor')

    ,      case indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'IsUnique')

           when 1 then 'unique '

           else ''


    ,      c.name column_name

    from   sysindexes i

           inner join sysobjects o

           on  i.id = o.id

           inner join sysindexkeys ik

           on  ik.id = o.id

           and ik.indid = i.indid

           inner join syscolumns c

           on  o.id = c.id

           and ik.colid = c.colid

    -- only indexes for user tables

    where  o.xtype = 'U'

    -- no automatically created indexes

    and    i.name not like '_WA_Sys_%'

    -- no clustered indexes

    and    i.indid != 1

    -- sort by table, index and index-column order

    order by o.name, i.name, ik.keyno

    -- variable for filegroup name

    declare @NEW_FILEGROUP varchar(100)


    declare @id     int

    declare @indid    int

    declare @table_name  sysname

    declare @index_name  sysname

    declare @pad_index  bit

    declare @fillfactor  int

    declare @uniqueClause varchar(10)

    declare @column_name  sysname

    declare @currId   int

    declare @currIndid  int

    declare @sql    varchar(4000)

    -- initialize @id and @indid for "not equal" comparison

    set @currId = -1

    set @currIndid = -1

    open c_idx

    fetch next from c_idx

    into  @id, @indid, @table_name, @index_name

    ,     @pad_index, @fillfactor, @uniqueClause, @column_name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     -- if @id or @indid have changed, we'll create a new

     -- "create index" statement

     if (@id != @currId) or (@indid != @currIndid)


      -- first, we have to finish and print the previous statement,

      -- if any (@currId != -1)

      if @currId != -1


       -- close column list and start index_options clause

       set @sql = @sql + ')' + char(10) + 'with '

       -- add index oprions pad_index and fillfactor

       if @pad_index = 1

        set @sql = @sql + 'pad_index' + char(10)

       set @sql = @sql + 'fillfactor=' + cast(@fillfactor as varchar(10)) +

       char(10) + 'drop_existing' + char(10) +

       'on ' + @NEW_FILEGROUP + char(10) + 'go' + char(10)



      -- start a new create index statement

      set @sql = 'create ' + @uniqueClause + 'index ' + @index_name + char(10) +

                 'on ' + @table_name + ' ('

      set @currId = @id

      set @currIndid = @indid


     -- add column to list, ommit comma for first column

     if right(@sql, 1) = '('

      set @sql = @sql + @column_name


      set @sql = @sql + ', ' + @column_name

     fetch next from c_idx

     into  @id, @indid, @table_name, @index_name

     ,     @pad_index, @fillfactor, @uniqueClause, @column_name


    -- don't forget to close the last statement too

    if @currId != -1


     -- close column list and start index_options clause

     set @sql = @sql + ')' + char(10) + 'with '

     -- add index oprions pad_index and fillfactor

     if @pad_index = 1

      set @sql = @sql + 'pad_index' + char(10)

     set @sql = @sql + 'fillfactor=' + cast(@fillfactor as varchar(10)) +

     char(10) + 'drop_existing' + char(10) +

     'on ' + @NEW_FILEGROUP + char(10) + 'go' + char(10)



    close c_idx

    deallocate c_idx

    Good luck and cheers,


  • Henk,

    This is an excellent script. I'd like to add my two cents worth on things that might be added to it to make it more bullet-proof...

    1 - You only considered tables with PK's. If you change the where clause in the cursor from 'and i.indid != 1' to 'and i.indid not in (0,1)', you'd also get the heaps

    2 - Sometimes (why? I don't know), indexes are built with descending keys. If you include logic with indexkey_property on each column, you could identify those that are descending and could include it on the CREATE INDEX syntax

    3 - Not all statistics are named '_WA_Sys%'. Instead, you could change the cursor's where clause from 'and i.name not like '_WA_Sys%' to 'and INDEXPROPERTY('IsStatistics')', you're sure to get them all.

    4 - The last item is to help with restartability. I'd add logic in the cursor to ignore any index not in the new FILEGROUP already.

    - again, just my two cents worth

  • Hey bbdpres en Perry,

    I've integrated all but one of bbdpres's very usefull suggestions in the script below. I didn't do anything with indid = 0 (heap table), because I found that when I created a table with only a nonclustered indexes (even the PK), an extra index shows up in sysindexes with indid = 0, but this index doesn;t have any sysindexkeys records, so is automatically not selected in the cursor because it has an inner join to that table. I did change the indid != 1 to indexproperty(id, name, 'IsClustered') because it makes the code better readable though.

    Thanks for your valuable input bbdpres!

    -- variable for filegroup name

    declare @NEW_FILEGROUP sysname


    declare @fileGroupId  smallint

    -- initialize @fileGroupId (needed for testing,

    -- because I don't have a NEW_FILEGROUP filegroup)

    set @fileGroupId = -1

    select @fileGroupId = groupid

    from   sysfilegroups

    where  groupname = @NEW_FILEGROUP

    declare c_idx cursor local fast_forward


    select o.id, i.indid

    ,      o.name table_name

    ,      i.name index_name

    ,      isnull(indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'PadIndex'), 0)

    ,      indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'IndexFillFactor')

    ,      case indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'IsUnique')

           when 1 then 'unique '

           else ''


    ,      case indexkey_property(o.id, i.indid, ik.keyno, 'IsDescending')

           when 1 then ' desc'

           else ''


    ,      c.name column_name

    from   sysindexes i

           inner join sysobjects o

           on  i.id = o.id

           inner join sysindexkeys ik

           on  ik.id = o.id

           and ik.indid = i.indid

           inner join syscolumns c

           on  o.id = c.id

           and ik.colid = c.colid

    -- only indexes for user tables

    where  o.xtype = 'U'

    -- no automatically created indexes

    and    isnull(indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'IsStatistics'), 1) = 0

    -- no clustered indexes

    and    indexproperty(o.id, i.name, 'IsClustered') = 0

    -- do not select index that are already in the destination filegroup

    and    groupid != @fileGroupId

    -- sort by table, index and index-column order

    order by o.name, i.name, ik.keyno

    declare @id     int

    declare @indid    int

    declare @table_name  sysname

    declare @index_name  sysname

    declare @pad_index  bit

    declare @fillfactor  int

    declare @uniqueClause varchar(10)

    declare @descClause  varchar(10)

    declare @column_name  sysname

    declare @currId   int

    declare @currIndid  int

    declare @sql    varchar(4000)

    -- initialize @id and @indid for "not equal" comparison

    set @currId = -1

    set @currIndid = -1

    open c_idx

    fetch next from c_idx

    into  @id, @indid, @table_name, @index_name

    ,     @pad_index, @fillfactor, @uniqueClause

    ,     @descClause, @column_name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     -- if @id or @indid have changed, we'll create a new

     -- "create index" statement

     if (@id != @currId) or (@indid != @currIndid)


      -- first, we have to finish and print the previous statement,

      -- if any (@currId != -1)

      if @currId != -1


       -- close column list and start index_options clause

       set @sql = @sql + ')' + char(10) + 'with '

       -- add index oprions pad_index and fillfactor

       if @pad_index = 1

        set @sql = @sql + 'pad_index' + char(10)

       set @sql = @sql + 'fillfactor=' + cast(@fillfactor as varchar(10)) +

       char(10) + 'drop_existing' + char(10) +

       'on ' + @NEW_FILEGROUP + char(10) + 'go' + char(10)



      -- start a new create index statement

      set @sql = 'create ' + @uniqueClause + 'index ' + @index_name + char(10) +

                 'on ' + @table_name + ' ('

      set @currId = @id

      set @currIndid = @indid


     -- add column to list, ommit comma for first column

     if right(@sql, 1) = '('

      set @sql = @sql + @column_name + @descClause


      set @sql = @sql + ', ' + @column_name + @descClause

     fetch next from c_idx

     into  @id, @indid, @table_name, @index_name

     ,     @pad_index, @fillfactor, @uniqueClause

     ,     @descClause, @column_name


    -- don't forget to close the last statement too

    if @currId != -1


     -- close column list and start index_options clause

     set @sql = @sql + ')' + char(10) + 'with '

     -- add index oprions pad_index and fillfactor

     if @pad_index = 1

      set @sql = @sql + 'pad_index' + char(10)

     set @sql = @sql + 'fillfactor=' + cast(@fillfactor as varchar(10)) +

     char(10) + 'drop_existing' + char(10) +

     'on ' + @NEW_FILEGROUP + char(10) + 'go' + char(10)



    close c_idx

    deallocate c_idx



  • Thank you very much for all your suggestions. It is very helpful.

  • Excellent! just what I was After

  • You can find a reliable and more robust script to move the table data to a new filegroup on


    Editor's Note: : Dr. Omri Bahat works for SQLFarms, a software vendor of SQL Server tools.

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