dropdown list in ssrs report

  • I am using this proc for my report

    alter PROCEDURE counts

    @year char(4)=null,

    @month char (3)=null,

    @server char(5)=null,

    @DB varchar(10)=null




    select Col1,Col2,datename(m, EntryDate)as Month, datepart(yy,EntryDate) as year ,

    substring(plandb,1,5)as Server,substring(db,6,20) as DBname from Revcounts

    Where datepart(yy,RecordDate)=@year and

    datename(m, RecordDate)=@month and

    substring(db,1,5)=@server and




    please Let me what else i have to change.

    I would like to populate a report with 4 drop down boxes where in upon selection it has display accordingly and if nothing is selected it has to display everything in the report without using where clause. I also created 4 datasets to bring up the drop down list.

  • You would need to check the parameters for null values in the procedure and adjust your where clause accordingly. You can do this with IF statements and write individual queries after each if or you can use Dynamic SQL and build a query string and call it using sp_executesql. Check out this article for sp_executesql

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • I have the drop down list populated in the report and also my store proc is OK with all the IF statements for parameter values. Now how would i use my proc to use in the report as when a name is selected from the drop down list it has to display result as it displays in my query window for the store proc.

  • Hi,

    Have u created report parameters year,,month,server,DB?

    If yes then pass these report parameters to ur SP in dataset n u should get the desired output.:-)

  • Hi,

    i have set all thing related to dropdownlist. My dropdownlist contains checkboxes so what my requirement is by defualt all checkboxes shud be selected..

    how to do that?

    it is realy an urgent issue.

    please help me

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