• I found how you can use SQLDMO in T-SQL.

    (By using sp_OACreate, ...)

    Now I'm looking for info on how to work with DSO in T-SQL.

    Anyone got an idee?



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  • Hi Nico,

    I mucked about using the same technique but not using DSO (same concept different requirement). I basically gave it up. Although you can do error handling (of a sort), and *theoretically* what you want to do can be done, I would look at maybe scripting, VB, or .net (c# or vb.net) as alternatives (listed in reverse order of my preference). If you're doing this for fun (geez I hope not!) then good luck. If you're doing it this way because it means you could call it easily out of an SP, maybe look at the alternatives (with richer functionality programming wise) and call out to a script or app using the xp_cmdshell (a bit dangerous but OK if done in a closed environment).

    Have fun!



  • Thx,

    I got to work in VB script. But we wanted it to be an all sql deployment.

    So finally after long hours of trying a college of mine got it to work. It's actually quit simple, if you know the correct syntax.



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