DTExec.exe Failed to Initialize

  • I have problems with several SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Jobs that run continuously. They start but, never complete. This occurs on all jobs that run a SSIS package. Jobs that only run T-SQL run fine. The job never fails and other error message cannot be found. I have checked the SQL logs as well as the Windows logs. The only message I can find is an informational Windows system log that appears every time the job runs. Obviously, this is the cause, or related to it, but I cannot find a solution.


    Windows System Log:

    Event Source: Application Popup

    Event ID: 26


    Application popup: DTExec.exe - Application Error : The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application.


    Server Info:

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.4035.00 (X64)

    Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)


    Package Info:

    Job Command Line: /SQL "Maintenance Plans\DbMaintenancePlan" /SERVER "(local)" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /SET "\Package\Daily_Log_Backup.Disable";false /REPORTING E


    Thank you for your help.


  • I would recommend that you reinstall your SSIS client. There is something wrong going on.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services | http://www.cozyroc.com/

  • Thanks Cozy. I will consider this after more troubleshooting. To rule out a possible client issue I created a backup plan from my workstation as well as from the server. Same result. Other servers work fine.

    I have discovered that I can execute the package from the command line:

    DTExec /SQL "Maintenance Plans\DbMaintenancePlan" /SERVER "(local)" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /SET "\Package\Daily_Log_Backup.Disable";false /REPORTING E

    So, I now know the command works, just not from the job. Thinking it was a possible permissions issue, I changed the job to run as local admin. Same result: job never completes and no error messages other than the informational Windows message. And nothing is in the job logs.

  • Have you used Process Monitor before? It is for tracing the operations with files and the registry. It will help you find what is going on, though it may take a awhile, browsing thru the logs.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services | http://www.cozyroc.com/

  • Did you got the solution for this. I am getting the same error too and on 64bit machine.

  • One thing to try is to run the 32 bit version of DTExec to verify you get the same result. I had to do this once because one of the OLE drivers was 32 bit. Now I can't explain why it worked from the command line. I agree it does sound like a permissions error. Another thing would be to setup a proxy under your credentials and try to run it under that proxy. If it works then it was permissions error.

  • Was there any solution to this. I am having the same problem?

  • I apologize to everyone for not posting back my findings. Unfortunately, I don’t have a definitive solution for you, but I can share with you what I found. This is one of those messy servers that DBAs inherit sometimes and I have been so busy cleaning up I forgot to post back. This problem went away after I consolidated many SQL Server Replication Jobs. I am not sure why, but I suspect it had something to do with the non-interactive desktop heap (KB 824422).

    After searching on the Internet for some time, as I am sure you are doing right now, I came across MS KB 824422 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824422)This was close to my problem, but not exactly. The KB did make me think about how many processes where running concurrently. The following week I was getting several replication job errors, which as you know run SQL Jobs. We did have a couple hundred SQL Server replication jobs run continuously. Don’t ask me why so many, as I said, I inherited this mess ;-), but consolidating the replication jobs had been a task I wanted to get done since I was hired. I decided to start that task and see what happens. Sure enough, the errors went away. :exclamation:Keep in mind, I did NOT make any registry changes as the KB suggested. I just reduced the number of concurrent SQL Jobs.

    It would be great if some could confirm that the non-interactive desktop heap limitation was the problem.



  • I too am having the same problem. I did try the non-interactive desktop heap limitation but it did not make any difference.

  • kpanchal (7/6/2010)

    I too am having the same problem. I did try the non-interactive desktop heap limitation but it did not make any difference.


    Ultimately, I fixed my problem by reducing the number of concurrent SQL jobs. I wish I new a little more how this works with Windows, but basically there is a memory limitation on how many processes can run at once. While I think the default configuration is more than adequate for most circumstances, I think I just had an unusually large number of jobs running concurrently.

    Do you have a lot jobs running at the same time?


  • Hi Jon, I was following your problem and I'm glad you found a fix, I was about to suggest either raising a ticket with Microsoft or, at a push, backing up your .dtsx collection and completely uninstalling/reinstalling SSIS, though in hindsight that would be quite a drastic measure.

    When you get a chance, it'd be interesting to know the cap on how many concurrent jobs can run.

  • Jake Shelton (7/6/2010)

    Hi Jon, I was following your problem and I'm glad you found a fix, I was about to suggest either raising a ticket with Microsoft or, at a push, backing up your .dtsx collection and completely uninstalling/reinstalling SSIS, though in hindsight that would be quite a drastic measure.

    When you get a chance, it'd be interesting to know the cap on how many concurrent jobs can run.

    I am assuming that not all job processes use the same amount of memory in the non-interactive desktop heap, therefore, I do not think there is a fixed cap of concurrent jobs, but a Windows memory limitation. "SQL Server uses a non-interactive desktop heap. The non-interactive desktop heap may run out of memory if many processes are created." In my case I had hundreds of replication jobs running continuously.

  • I too had lot of jobs running at the same time, I staggered the jobs to run at different period of time.

    The issue occurs rarely and has reduced drastically but still no permanent solution.

    Thanks Jon.



  • sorry forgot to add that the above change is running since last month.



  • Thank you, Sunil. It is good to have some conformation from someone with similar problems. Glad to hear there is an improvement.

    I am curious, are your jobs executing SSIS packages, replication jobs, are any other type of application, such as DTExec.exe? Or, are they mostly just executing SQL scripts?


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