DTS and Triggers

  • Hi All

    I am loading some data to a table using a DTS.  This table has Insert/Delete/Update triggers for capturing the data and changes for the purpose of audit/history to a history table.

    However when the data is loaded via DTS the insert triggers do not fire.  If youload the data manually they work.  Has anyone encountered this problem and if so could you please let me know how to work around this issue as manual data load is not an option due to the volume of data.




  • Dinesh,

    Have your triggers got cursors in them to process the multiple records in the inserted/deleted tables?

    If not, the following should help, had to convert my triggers for mass updates via DTS calls...

    -- create a cursor to select the unique id from inserted
    declare installations_cursor cursor FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY for 
      select InstallId from inserted where Status <> 2
    open installations_cursor
    fetch next from installations_cursor into @@InstallId
    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    /* process the records where unique id in table = @@InstallId */
    -- loop the cursor
    fetch next from installations_cursor into @@InstallId
    close installations_cursor
    deallocate installations_cursor

    Hope this helps,


  • You need to turn off the fast load option in DTS.

    I haven't got it in front of me at the moment but i think it should

    be in one of tabs when you right click the transformation and look at the properties of it.

    I had exactly the same problem took me a few hours to work it out.



  • With a DTS, is a cursor-based trigger necessary?  Cursors are very slow, so wouldn't a set-based trigger work better?

  • I agree with Glenda. Cursor-based triggers are a relic and should be replaced wherever possible ie. in 99.99% of cases.

  • Turning off the fast load option on your DTS transformation will allow the trigger to run.  Also be sure as mention above that your trigger will work when multiple inserts are done in a single statement. 

    I would avoid cursors if at all possible.  Using the inserted table should let you do all the work you need in the trigger using set basid approach.

  • I agree that cursors should be avoided at almost all costs.  If you find this is one of those rare events that would require a record iteration, however, since you are using a DTS package, you could use an Active X Script task to iterate through the records using an ADO recordset to accomplish the task.

  • Hi All

    Thanks for your responces, the fast load option was turned off and the inserts were captured to the history table sucessfully.

    Thanks very much




  • it solved our problem... gr8

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