DTS - Cant drop table not in System Catalog??

  • Hi there,

    I've created a DTS package to copy 1 database to another and scheduled it as a job. However, it keeps failing on the same task with the error message...

    "Cannot drop table [tablename] because it does not exist in the system catalog"

    The package is designed to drop/create and copy tables and data for each table in the database and all the other tables are being dropped/recreated etc. successfully. This table was recently created and is updated using trigger.

    Can anyone help a confused newbie??


    Apologies if its glaringly obvious!

  • Try creating the table at least one time in the target database. That way the job can happily delete it and recreate it. If you recently created this table in the source db and your DTS job is trying to drop and then recreate all tables in the destination db, this could be the problem.

  • Thankyou i'll give that a try!

  • I aint got ime to look at the moment but try this

    Go to you destination server. Script out a user table ensuring that you have the create and the drop options selected. The script will give you the syntax of the exists statement i.e. a  check on whether the object exists before you try to drop it. Use that as a template to do something similar from your DTS package. You will have to probably fully qualify the name of the object you are checking for when you run it from the remote DTS package.

    Hope this helps

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