DTS char(880) export returns only 255 characters

  • How to export all characters from DB field char(880) to text file?

    Now only 255 characters will be exported.


  • Here's something that should help:

    DB-Library applications and applications using the SQL Server ODBC drivers from SQL Server version 6.5 or earlier support only a maximum of 255 bytes of character data. If these applications attempt to retrieve character parameters of SQL Server version 7.0 or later, or result set columns containing more than 255 bytes of data, the character data is truncated at 255 bytes.

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I would also check the variables, etc.. that are used to create the export file and ensure that they are not set to be 255 (believe me, I've done it AND seen it)

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Here is some more information on adjusting the size of the text file columns.



    Good Luck,


  • Thank You!

    Problem was with OLE-DB "hidden features".


  • I have same problem, Please let me know how you fix it


  • 1. Open package in Design view;

    2. From Package menu choose Disconnected Edit;

    3. From Connections select connection corresponding to text output;

    4. From OLE-DB properties find property named Max characters per delimited column;

    5. The value is probably set to 255, change it to bigger value.

    That will put things to work!


  • I did samething as you mentioned couple of times but no luck. Am I missing something. By the way, I am trying to export data from Lotus Notes database

  • Then maybe there is something with Lotus Notes connection properties?

    Can You import data from Lotus Notes to some table in SQL server and then make query against it and look if data is imported correctly? For example use LEN to find out how many characters in this field.

    If there also data is missing then problem must be in Lotus Notes connection.

  • I finally found the problem. I forgot to configure NOTES SQL ODBC driver where it says TEXT Field Length = 256, this has to be set to whatever numbner you. I set this lenght on destination source side as menioned in previous post but not on Originating source. It worked great after I set it to some 2000 chars


    Thanks to all


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