DTS custom task migration

  • I am trying to migrate DTS packages which contain custom tasks from one server to another. I tried saving them to the new sql server but now when i open or run them i get invalid class string errors.

    I think i need to 'register the custom task on the new server' any ideas how to do this, what it means?

    Thanks for all help ,



  • I would bet if you open the DTS package the Connection String is still pointing to the other server. Just a guess.

  • Nope changed that. I need to register the dll corresponding to the custom task on the new server. ANy ideas how i do this.




  • if all you need to do is register the DLL you will want to run REGSVR32.exe

    You can open the Run cmd box from the start menu then type in regsvr32

  • To register a new custom task in DTS:

    Install the package on the server where it will be executing. If there is no 'installation', simply copy the DLL to a folder on the server. I typcally create a folder (e.g. c:\customStuff in which I create subfolders like DTSTasks and UDL [under which are MSSQL, DB2, MSAccess, etc]).

    In SEM on the destination server, open a New DTS package. From the Task menu select Register Custom Task. Within the dialog presented, type a Description, browse to the dll and select an icon. Click OK then exit the package without saving.

    You should then be able to open the DTS package in question on the server. In order to edit the package from a client machine, you need to repeat the above steps on the client. Remember, when DTSing, everything happens on the system where the editing, executing, etc. occurs.



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