DTS error - System cannot find the path specified

  • Hi All,

     I have a DTS package in which i used a UDL file for making connections. I also use text file data sources by specifying the absolute path to the text file. Using a Dynamic properties task, i configure the path to the UDL file and text files by reading from a INI file.

     The problem is : When i deploy this package to another machine, I get this error saying "System cannot find the path specified" for each of the text data sources and UDL connections. The same package works fine on my machine.

    Has any one seen this problem before ? Am i missing something here?


    Would appreciate some help.



  • Make sure the server you are trying to run the package from has access to the location of the files.

  • Sounds to me like you are using a mapped drive on your pc that does not exist on the pc that is failing.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I figured it out myself after some trial and error.

    Initially I had set the path to the UDL file to directory "A".  At that time i was not using the Dynamic properties task. Later, i used the Dynamic properties task to set the path to the UDL file from a INI file. This worked fine on my local system. When i ported it over to another machine , i got the error saying "system cannot find the path".

    For some reason, DTS was looking for non-existant Directory "A" for the UDL path instead of reading from the INI file.

    To rectify this , I opened the DTS package and then set the UDL Path for each connection to the value in the INI file. I then saved the package and run it on the target machine. This time it worked.


    Thanks for your suggestions.





  • Whenever you deploy your dts package to another machine you do have to give location of .ini file path if the path is not mapped properly.

    One more way to set loaction of .ini file with out opening dts package is through dtsrun utility


    open command prompt and type

    DTSRun /N "NameOFDTS" /G "{637535C5-8B40-4E39-8B01-8BC7827DE9A}" /F "\\loaction of dts package \test.dts" /A "gsConfigINIPath":"8"="\\Path\Test.ini" /W "0"


    This will execute the package.


    /G "{637535C5-8B40-4E39-8B01-8BC7827DE9A}"  is GUID of the DTS package.

    gsConfigINIPath is name of global variable in dts package where you store the path of .ini file.

    Hope this is useful.




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