DTS Execute Permissions

  • What rights are required for a user to execute a DTS package?

  • minimum:  they will need at least db_reader and db_writer and own the dts package.  they will not be able to execute the package as a job.  That is a sysadmin role function

  • Thanks for your help.

  • I have a 2000 DTS package that has a T-SQL step that accepts global variables as parameters.  One of my users needs to be able to execute this package.  I've had him recreate the package so he is the owner and I granted him dbo permissions.  When he tries to run the package it says that the parameters are not set.  He sets them and resaves the package but gets the same error.  He can run other packages just fine, just not ones with parameters.  I granted him SA and he can now run this package.  Does anyone know why this is?  Do you really have to be sa to run a package with parameters?



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