DTS High CPU Utilization

  • Hi, I have a DTS that is exporting a text file to oracle server. The DTS works fine on Windows Server 2003 Stanndard Edition, SQL Server 2k SP3. But not in Windows Server 2003 RD Standard Edition, SQL Server 2k SP4.

    The DTS consumes almost 60% of CPU Utilization.  I'm using the Oracle Provider for OLE DB and also try MS OLE DB Provider for Oracle but still doesnt work.

    Can anyone advise me how to fix this one









  • Identical hardware?  You've got a couple of variables there so solving for one is going to be difficult.

    Assuming that your first environment is a development environment you're going to want to bring your development environment inline with your target environment - it would be ideal if the O/S levels, etc. matched but you may have to be happy with bringing the first environment up to SP4...



  • Both are production servers. Do you have any idea where to begin with? I've already suggested to install SP2 (OS) to the second server. But not really sure if this will work.

  • Art -

    You'll want to get the servers to be as nearly identical to each other as possible.  If I interpreted your post correctly you've got difference O/S's at different service pack & patch levels (Windows 2003 <> Windows 2003 R2) and SQL Server at different patch levels as well... makes it kind of tough to compare the two.



  • Make sure that you have the same version of the Oracle client software (SQL*Net) on both servers (and use the ODBC driver that comes with it).

  • Does MS SQL have additional bug fixes after SP4 that has something to do with dts cpu utilization?

  • Export to text file.  Use SQL*Loader to load the text file.  Stop using DTS.

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