DTS Output to Excel

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to output a view into excel automatically using DTS. Every time it runs i put the filename into a global variable eg "Export 12-06-02.xls", and then use dynamic properties to change the Excel Connection's filename.

    However, when the package trys to run the data pump task it errors saying that the worksheet doesn't exist (of course it doesn't exist as the file has just been created).

    Is there any way round this? I could use the Excel object model, but I'm hesitant to install Excel on the server.

    Any ideas?


  • Right click on a DB table - All tasks - Export data, then follow the wizard to export the data to excel. Save this as a DTS package and view the 'create table' task within the package to see how an excel worksheet is created, then incooperate a similar task into your package.


    Andy Jones



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