DTS package fails with xp_sendmail

  • Strange one this. I have a DTS package that calls the following stored procedure:


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_send_pending

    @freq char(1) = 'i'


    set xact_abort on

    declare @a_curs cursor

    declare @recipient varchar(50), @message varchar(7800), @subject varchar(100), @id int

    declare @r int


    exec @r = master..xp_startmail

    if @r !=0





    set @a_curs = cursor


    select recipient

    , message + disclaimer as message

    , subject

    , sendid

    from tosend

    where whentosend = @freq

    and suspended = 0

    open @a_curs

    fetch next from @a_curs



    , @message

    , @subject

    , @id

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    exec @r = master..xp_sendmail @recipients=@recipient, @message=@message, @subject=@subject

    if @r = 0


    -- move from pending to sent table

    insert into sent



    , appid

    , userid

    , recipient

    , message

    , subject

    , userwhoadded

    , disclaimer


    select sendid

    , appid

    , userid

    , recipient

    , message

    , subject

    , userwhoadded

    , disclaimer

    from tosend

    where sendid = @id


    from tosend

    where sendid = @id




    print @r

    print @recipient


    fetch next from @a_curs



    , @message

    , @subject

    , @id


    close @a_curs



    The DTS package is failing as soon as the xp_sendmail line within the stored procedure attempts to send an email to an invalid email account e.g joe.bloggs.invalid.com

    This never use to happen. The DTS package use to continue processing all valid emails even if the stored procedure cursor encountered an invalid email address.

    The DTS package is scheduled by a SQL job to run once a day.

    Any ideas as to why this is no longer working? We are running SQL 7.0 sp 4.

    Is this a problem with our MAPI client or DTS or the stored proc? I'm baffled!

  • If you can run the dts manually from EM and it works fine and from an schedule Job you can't, then It must be a problem with the SQL server Agent loggin account.

    Remember that it must be a domain account to use SQL mail with the Agent.

  • The scheduled job runs OK. The problem occurs when executing the DTS both by manual and automated methods. Everything is fine until the cursor within the stored procedure (see previous code listing) being called by the DTS package encounters an invalid email account.



    If you can run the dts manually from EM and it works fine and from an schedule Job you can't, then It must be a problem with the SQL server Agent loggin account.

    Remember that it must be a domain account to use SQL mail with the Agent.

  • I am having the same problem and was curious as to if there is a resolution.

  • Check your @recipient variable when the package fails. Probably the email address is longer than 50 characters allow in the variable. In which case a truncated (and therefore malformed) email address is sent to xp_sendmail. This was the situation when I encountered the same problem a while ago.



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