DTS package finds all failed jobs... quick question??

  • this dts package is a vb script which will send you a list

    of all failed jobs across your servers. it produces an

    html file for you.

    it's really just a vb script which you incorporate into dts.

    i'm having some trouble with it, and I was wondering if it's

    possible to convert this over to a job which will produce the

    same html file some where in a folder.

    here is the script.


    This is the script. The XML file follows.


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Dim xmlServers

    Function Main()

    ' Read in the server list


    ' Get the job status and write the web page


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Sub GetJobStatus()

    Dim xmlServer

    Dim ServerName

    Dim ConnectionString

    Dim cn

    Dim rs

    Dim SQL

    Dim JobName

    Dim ErrorMessage

    Dim RunDate

    Dim RunTime

    Dim OK

    Dim fso

    Dim ts

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("\\DBAWEB01\SQL$\SQLJobStatus.htm", 2,-1)

    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    ' If this is monday, the include the whole weekend

    RunDate = Now()

    if DatePart( "w", RunDate ) = 2 then

    RunDate = DateAdd("d",-3,RunDate)


    RunDate = DateAdd("d",-1,RunDate)

    end if

    ts.WriteLine "" & _

    "My Company" & _


    ts.WriteLine "" & _


    SQL Server Job Failures

    " & _


    " & FormatDateTime(Now(),vbShortDate) & "

    " & _


    from " & FormatDateTime(RunDate,vbShortDate) & " to date

    " & _



    RunDate = Year(RunDate) * 10000 + Month(RunDate) * 100 + Day(RunDate)

    SQL = "select j.name, jh.message, jh.run_date, jh.run_time" & _

    " from sysjobs j" & _

    " inner join sysjobhistory jh" & _

    " on j.job_id = jh.job_id" & _

    " and jh.step_id = 0" & _

    " and run_status = 0" & _

    " and run_date >= " & RunDate & _

    " where j.enabled = 1" & _

    " order by j.name, jh.run_date, jh.run_time "

    For Each xmlServer In xmlServers.selectNodes("//Servers/Server")

    ServerName = xmlServer.getAttribute("Name")

    ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;server=" & ServerName & ";database=msdb;"

    If xmlServer.getAttribute("IntegratedSecurity") = "Yes" Then

    ConnectionString = ConnectionString & "Trusted_Connection=yes"


    ConnectionString = ConnectionString & "UID=" & _

    xmlServer.getAttribute("UID") & ";PWD=" & _


    End If

    ts.WriteLine "


    On Error Resume Next

    cn.Open ConnectionString

    If Err.Number = 0 Then

    On Error GoTo 0

    Set rs = cn.Execute(SQL)

    Do Until rs.EOF

    If Not IsNull(rs("message").Value) Then

    JobName = rs("name").Value

    ErrorMessage = rs("message").Value

    RunDate = DateSerial(rs("run_date").Value / 10000, rs("run_date").Value / 100 Mod 100, rs("run_date").Value Mod 100)

    RunTime = TimeSerial(rs("run_time").Value / 10000, rs("run_time").Value / 100 Mod 100, rs("run_time").Value Mod 100)

    ts.WriteLine "


    End If

    ts.WriteLine "







    ts.WriteLine "


    End If

    On Error GoTo 0


    ts.WriteLine "

    Server Job Name Message Failure Date
    " & ServerName & "
    " & ServerName & " " & JobName & _


    " & ErrorMessage & _


    " & FormatDateTime(RunDate,vbshortdate) & _

    " " & FormatDateTime(RunTime, vbShortTime) & "

    Unable to connect:" & Err.Description & "



    Set ts = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing

    End Sub

    Sub InitServers()

    set xmlServers = createObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")

    xmlServers.Load "\\DEVSQL01\dts\dba\SQLServerJobs.ini"

    End Sub

    This is the XML configuration file (SQLServerJobs.ini):


  • you incorporated ActiveX in DTS package. Can't you just pass it in the job as:

    DTSRUN /N"ReadFailedJobDTS" /E /SYourServer

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