DTS Package loses fixed format mapping

  • I've got a large fixed format text file with 1000+ characters per line that needs to be DTS'd into a 100+ field table on a regular basis.

    My problem is that when I define the package, I go through the process of defining where the field breaks are but after I save it and open it again the definitions are gone!

    Seems like a bug to me -- I did this several times before I gave up in frustration.

    I am using SQL Server 2000 on Win 2000, and the only document in the MS KB says that this bug was on SQL 7 under Win 95 and 98.  Anyone know anything about this?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • I've found that setting the breaks once in the DTS package and then not going back into that screen/wizard part has seemed to work.  My app is much smaller than yours (100s of records for 10s of fields), but the DTS package concept is the same.

    So save it - and don't go back into there again.  I'm seeing the same thing happen - SQL Server 2000 SP 3a on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.

  • Since misery loves company, I'm sorry to hear that you've seen this too, but relieved to hear that I am not the only one who has experienced this problem.

    Thanks for the advice but "not going back there" is not an option for us.  We are building a new system and will need to tweak whatever solution we build from time-to-time, preferably without having to redefine the column boundaries every time.

    We have opened a trouble-ticket with MS tech support.  Guess we'll have to see what happens from here...

    Thanks again.

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