DTS package not running under user other then sa

  • Hi,

    I am writing a asp.net app where a user can select a parameter, send it to a stored procedure which runs a dts package based on the parameter. The app uses a different user (web_user) to connect to sql. It has db_datareader, db_datawriter and public access. web_user has permission to execute the stored procedure. Here is the flow:

    user selects value from drop down list on web page and clicks submit --->

    this is sent to a stored procedure via sqlparameter --->

    stored procedure runs dts based on the value user selected (this does not work)

    Here is the stored procedure:


    @RegionID VARCHAR(10)



    Since I am calling from a db other then master I have to name db

    and owner.


    IF @RegionID = 'MW'

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S JUPITER /N Import_MW /E '

    IF @RegionID = 'NE'

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S JUPITER /N Import_NE /E '

    IF @RegionID = 'SO'

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S JUPITER /N Import_SO /E '

    SELECT 'DONE! ' + @RegionID


    JUPITER is the sql server and web_user has permission to execute xp_cmdshell. Also, I logged into sqlquery as web_user and <password> and did the following:


    All I get is DONE! NE.

    But if I run it after logging into sqlquery as sa and run the same thing then I get the data imported. Any help will be appriciated.

  • Not 100% sure, but it might be the thing that you in your code for executing the dts-package use "/E" (trusted connection).

    When you are logged in with a user with system administrator-right you will return back to SQL Server with the account that SQL Server runs under. Wich of course have to correct rights to login again. If not a member of System Administrator role, you wont be able to return with trusted connection to SQL Server - IF you don't use Proxy Account.

    You have (at least) three different ways to solve this.

    1. Easy, dirty and not the way to go = set the web_user as system administrator in SQL Server.

    2. Change the stored procedure to execute the dts-package specifying the user and password (/U... /P...). Not very nice to put the password in a script tho. If you go for this (easy fast) solution I would suggest you to encrypt your sproc.

    3. Setup SQL Server to use a proxy acccount. When a user want to access something outside SQL Server, and the user is not a member of system administrator role, Proxy Account will be used. Proxy Account can be either a local user on your server, or a member of your domain.

    I guess that you want to have this solved rather quickly? If not, I'm currently writing an article for SqlServerCentral about the use of Proxy Account...

    Good luck!

    ___the truth is out there___

  • If I do the user and password like so:

     EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S JUPITER /N Import_MW /U web_user /P *** '

    where *** is the password this does not seem to work for me. Am I doing the syntex wrong? I cant find any examples. Also, I didnt mention it before but 'public' can execute xp_cmdshell. So web_user should be able to execute it. And, this is the error I get:

    Msg 50001, Level 1, State 50001

    xpsql.cpp: Error 997 from GetProxyAccount on line 472


  • Hi!

    I don't think the error is about executing xp_cmdshell. If that would be the problem, then you should get an access denied instead. The error indicates that it's looking for ProxyAccount. Is the dts-package using anything on disk, ie importing a file or writing to a file? If it is - then you need to set ut a proxy account, or else SQL Server won't let you outside SQL Server unless the user is a member of the server role system administrator...


    ___the truth is out there___

  • I have tried adding a proxy account SQLProxy1 (nt domain account) and have changed the sqlServerAgent settings so it starts with SQLProxy1 and restarted the db. I have also added the nt group to the db users and gave it 'public ' access. Still getting the same error when I do the following:

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /S JUPITER /N Commission_Import_MW_new /U ATI\SQLProxy1 /P SQLabcdef'

    I have used the domain admin account and password also (with the correct info) and still get the same error as my previous post.

    Thanx in advance for all your help.


  • Can you pls check the web user is a part of MSDB database. And it's cumbersome to create a user in MSDB for each of the web user.

    Since you call the dts package from the procedure, I hope there's no trouble in executing the package on the dbo account.





  • Hi!

    Just wanne check, did you set ProxyAccount1 as startup account for SQL Server Agent or as a Proxy Account in SQL Server agent?

    Proxy account is addes in:

    Right Click on SQL Server Agent (in EM) and select Properties, change to tab Job System. Uncheck "Only Users with SysAdmin privileges..." and fill in settings for the Proxy Account.


    ___the truth is out there___

  • I did not do that part. I will let you know what happens when I do this. I am waiting for the NetAdmin for his confirmation.

    Thank you all for your help.

  • YEAH!!!!!! it worked. Thank you Robbac. I spent of and on about 1 week on that issue. Again thank you.

  • I'm glad that this help. Just fun to be of any assistance.

    Have a nice weekend.

    ___the truth is out there___

  • Robbac?

    Hey - thanks for your posts so far - very helpful.

    I still have a problem however.

    If I make my SQL Server user a member of sys_Admins, all works fine.  However, adding myself as a proxy does not work at all.

    I'm not runnning my DTS package from a job - I'm running it from an SP.  It seems like the "Proxy User" applies only to SQLServerAgent jobs - you know - run on a schedule : not to SP jobs.

    Any ideas ?

  • Here's more:

    I also tried using my NT Account to no avail - and I'm the dbo!!!

    EXEC Master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_proxy_account N'SET',

     N'_MyDomain_', N'BillyWilly', N'_MyPassword_'


    However, if I make my SQL Account (DB_Generic is the name) a member of sys_admins - works like a charm - UGH !!!!

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