DTS Package Scheduling Problem

  • Hello Everybody :

    Package Name = Attendance

    Owner = Dtc\Administrator

    Job Created after I sceduled the package = Attendance_Job

    Owner = Sa

    SqlServerAgent is running by login = LocalSystem Account

    Now the problem that is killing me is scheduling. When I run the package manually, it runs and when I schedule it, it says successfull but the fact is the package does not get executed. I am using Sql Server 7. Is it becoz of the job owner as SA ? SA is a member of sysadmin role and it is SQL Server account. Can anybody please help me to solve this problem ? Its VERY URGENT...


    - Marjo.

  • Hi,

    Next time please not put urgent, because maybe is urgent for you but not for anybody else.

    Read this article, maybe you answer is there.



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