DTS package will not run with the scheduler

  • We are having a problem running a DTS package with the package schelduler. The package will run just fine interactivly but fails when set to run as a scheduled job. We are not useing a mapped drive, I have made the job owner a member of the local admin group and gave the owner log on as a batch job and log on as a service privilages. We have performed the suggestions in knowledge base article: KB269074. I need to solve this problem, I got other things to do!   So any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks


  • Can you provide a snippet of what the DTS package is supposed to do to help diag the problem?

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • The package is run by the SQL Service Agent when it is fired from the scheduler.  So you must check the rights of the SQL Service Agent.

    Also, what SQL version are you running from and how did you word your scheduler execution?


    Consulting DBA / Developer
    South Africa

  • when you view the job schedule entry, what does the expanded log say, I have had similar problem before, it was all down to authority given to the context that the SQL server agent job was run in. I changed it from "System" to the local administrator (is that bad?)

    good luck

  • If you see the status of the job marked as "Failed", then check the detail log of the package.

    If the package did not run at all, open it and check on the Schedules tab that all of them are marked as "Active".


  • Are you reading any parameters from file stored on your local/network drive from DTS package?

  • I want to thank you all for all your help and suggestions. I have had to put this issue on hold as something else has come up. I will revisit this issue when I have completed the new task. Thanks again.


  • Try to use the same login when ceating jobs, DTS's with the account used by the SQL Server agent. There some issues regarding security..especially when you run jobs/dts on schedule unlike running it interactively.

  • Please check if you have created the accounts on the local machine or the workgroup or account. Likely reason could be the account profile mismatch.

    Also try to find what services are locked or inactive, when the machine goes to autolock

  • I think I have solved the problem but not sure just which fix did the trick. We added the account for the SQL Agent to the local administrator group, gave it log in as a batch job, and log in as a service rights. Finally, when I scheduled the package to run I made the job owner the same as the account for the SQL Agent. This seems to have done the trick, the package now runs using the SQL Agent. I just do not understand why this particular server wants to be difficult, I have other servers running many jobs through the agent and I have not had to go through all the extra work. Oh well, as long as it works! Thanks again for all your help.


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