DTS Packages Versions

  • OK Sql Gurus,

    Here is a question for ya all. "X" developer creats a DTS package. Another developer comes in he also have all the necessary permissions. Lets Call him "Y". "Y" goes into Designer and saves the package again. Now we have two versions of the package. First version with owner "X" and second version with owner "Y".  Three questions here.

    1. Will same package with two diffeent owners have a problem executing?

    2. Whats the different between two packages as functionality is concerned?

    3.  If the version with "X" owner is deleted, would "Y" owner have exactly the same package as the original package.



    Tajammal Butt

  • 1) When you execute the package, the latest version of the package will be executed.

    2) If you right click the package, and click on version, you should be able to see the different versions. You can select from here what version you want to edit or even if you want to delete one of the version.

    3)  Sysdtspackages maintains one row for each version which includes the packagedata as one of its column. With what i understand, deleting one version should not impact the second version as the data is pulled off from its respective packagedata column.

  • <<< deleting one version should not impact the second version as the data is pulled off from its respective packagedata column. >>>

    That is correct as I have done it. I have made a changes to a DTS packages that turned out not to work and I just deleted the malformed version. The previous version that does work is restored. Be nice if every dumb mistake I have made as a DBA was that easy to fix.

    Good luck


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