DTS Schedule is not firing

  • Hi All,

    I'm not sure what's going but I have a series of job schedules that I setup from the DTS packages (one of the options).  The weird thing is that they are NOT running on the the schedule.  However when I manually kicked those jobs or DTS packages everything is working fine.  How come they're not running on their own can't figure out why.



  • Verify that both the job and the individual schedules are still enabled and that the schedules are set up as recurring.

    Then if it's truley a matter of an enabled schedule not being started, and not that it starts and then fails, I would verify that SQL Server Agent is running when you want the schedule to fire.  Is your server being rebooted or the SQL Server service being stopped and you don't have the agent configured to restart when the main service comes back up?  Also, make sure you're giving your DTS package enough time to run.  For example, if your schedule says to run every hour, but the job takes 1 1/2  hours to run, then it will really only run ever other hour.  It won't start a job that is still in a running status.

    If it starts but then fails, that's when you get into permission issues with the account you have SQL Server Agent running as.

  • I did a test and ran the schedule jobs at a time where I could see if they are running and if they are loading data.  This test passed.  The only thing that is unusual is our Network administrator runs a nightly full backup to the systems which are from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM.  This is the difference.  What I'm going to do tonight is make sure all my jobs have ended by 11:00 PM.



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