DTS Skipping First Row of Data

  • I'm importing a fixed length file using DTS. The first line is blank so in the file connection I set it to skip 1 line. I next mark column positions. Here I can see the first 5 records or so and everything looks good. When I try to import the file into my SQL table, the second line (the first one that contains data) is missing. When I run a test on my activeX transformation, the record doesn't appear hear either. The activeX only maps the field so none of that code should have any effect on skipping lines. I'm a bit at a lost since it looks like it should import but then doesn't.

    The package was designed on a desktop with SQL 2K the the server it is hitting is still 7.0. (We're in the middle of upgrading to SQL 2K and this server is still a month or two out.)



  • What sort of task are you using. Try looking on www.sqldts.com

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled


    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP


  • Andy: Yes, every line has a CR and LF. This was my first theory as well, but I found that everything looked good.

    Simon: Data Pump. I had looked on SQL DTS but was unable to find anything useful. I also searched the KB for article but still didn't find anything.


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