DTS successful delete file from destination

  • DTS package created to download FTP files. All task are performed successfully, files are pulled view FTP task on to the destination folder. I can see the file populated under the dest folder.

    DTS package message displayed successfully loaded but then file gets deleted from the destination folder.

    Tasks performed-ActiveXscript,dynamic properties and FTP task.

    1.  vbscript

    Function Main()


      txtstrWeek = inputbox("Enter the weekly date PRV414 you wish to import on (yyyymmdd format)")

      i_Day = Cint(Mid(txtstrWeek ,7, 2 ))

      i_Month = Cint(Mid(txtstrWeek ,5, 2 ))

      i_Year = Cint(Left(txtstrWeek,4))

      strWeek = DateSerial( i_Year , i_Month ,i_Day )

      MyWeekDay = weekday(strWeek)


    DTSGlobalVariables("strDestinationDir").Value = "\\newpafs1\data reporting$\Reference_Files_State\PRV414"

    DTSGlobalVariables("strSourceFTPDir").Value = "'PRV414W.BU.zip';'PROMISe';''"

    DTSGlobalVariables("strLogFile").Value = "\\newpafs1\data reporting$\Reference_Files_State\PRV414\LOG\objPRV414Log.txt"

    DTSGlobalVariables("strZipArchiveDir").Value = "\\newpafs1\data reporting$\Reference_Files_State\PRV414\Archive"

    DTSGlobalVariables("FileName").Value = "PRV414W.BU.zip"

    DTSGlobalVariables("glbFTPSource_wd").value = MyWeekDay

    DTSGlobalVariables("RptWeek").Value = txtstrWeek 


          ' Check to see if a log file exists if it does open it.  If not create it.


      Set objFSO  = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

        If not objFSO.FileExists(DTSGlobalVariables("strLogFile").Value ) then

          Set  master = objfso.CreateTextFile(DTSGlobalVariables("strLogFile").Value )

            master.WriteLine "File CREATED @ " & now

            master.WriteLine "          In PRV414 Check Routine @ " & now


          Set  master = objFSO.OpenTextFile((DTSGlobalVariables("strLogFile").Value ),8)


            master.WriteLine "File OPENED @ " & now

            master.WriteLine "          In PRV414 Check Routine @ " & now

        End if


     ' check to see if DAT file exists


      Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

        If FSO.FileExists((DTSGlobalVariables("strDestinationDir").Value ) &  "\PRV414MW.BU.dat") then

            master.WriteLine "DTSTaskExecResult_FAILURE - prv414W.bu.dat EXISTS it should not exist at this point  @ " & now        

          Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure


            master.WriteLine "DTSTaskExecResult_SUCCESS - prv414W.bu.dat DOES NOT  EXISTS  at this point  @ " & now        

          Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

        End if


     ' check to see if ZIP file exists


      Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

        If oFSO.FileExists((DTSGlobalVariables("strDestinationDir").Value ) &  "\" & (DTSGlobalVariables("FileName").Value ) ) then

              master.WriteLine "DTSTaskExecResult_FAILURE - prv414W.bu.zip EXISTS it should not exist at this point  @ " & now        

            Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure


            master.WriteLine "DTSTaskExecResult_SUCCESS - prv414W.bu.zip DOES NOT  EXISTS  at this point  @ " & now        

          Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

        End if


         master.WriteLine   "FILE CLOSED @" & now



        set objFSO = nothing

        set FSO = nothing

        set oFSO = nothing

        set master = nothing

        set objFSOFolder = nothing


    End Function


    3.  FTP task has connection to the FTP server and destination folder mapped.

    File is being downloaded to dest folder but upon completion is deleted.

    Please let me know if script is coded incorrectly.



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Nothing jumps out at me. Try watching your flow and put a MsgBox in a script between each step so you can look at what step the file is deleted.

  • Thanks for the response.

    Each task is successfully completed.  File is begin grabbed from the FTP server and transferred to the destination folder. I can see the file being populated and transferred.  Then it gets deleted from the destination folder. 

    Is the size of the file one of the causes.  Zip File = 13,264KB.  ? 

    My next steps was to unzip / extract file / transfer data to sql and parse data.

    Any help will be appreciated.  Thanks -





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