DTS to 2 destinations

  • I have a text file and need to load some columns into one table and other columns into another table for each record, i.e. I want to split the input data into two separate tables.

    Is this possible using DTS?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • You can do in the same DTS package by setting up a CONNECTION object for the server and one for the file. The setup two transfermations from the file connection to the server one. In the proerties of each transformation on the Source tab change to descrtiption to something logical. This will help with future troubleshooting. The change to the destincation tab and set the table the data will be sent to. And finally on the transformation tab map the columns from the file data to the proper one in the table by click on the text of the column from the file and dragging to the one in the table. Note: if you need to do any data cleaning you may want to setup import tables for this to be done before moving to final location.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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