DTS using multiple Datasources

  • I think I got you mixed up. OPENROWSET can be used in two ways :

    in the first exemple I showed you I used all the information required to setup a linked server (servername, username, pass and catalog...), however once you have the linked server setup you can skip this operation and only use the linked server name as a reference.

    I found this exemple in the books online (for oracle :-)) :

    (you can find the whole document under "OPENQUERY")


    This example creates a linked server named OracleSvr against an Oracle database using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle. Then this example uses a pass-through query against this linked server.

    Note This example assumes that an Oracle database alias called ORCLDB has been created.

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'OracleSvr',

    'Oracle 7.3',




    SELECT *

    FROM OPENQUERY(OracleSvr, 'SELECT name, id FROM joe.titles')


    I think this is the simplest way for you to do the task at hand.

  • Thanks for all your effort, however, I found the fix I needed.

    The solution is that the Server/Field names proper syntax should be:


    Thanks again.

  • Good.. I just wish I had had an Oracle server to do some tests.. would have saved us a lot of typing :-).

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