DTS with vbscript & Excel Validation Object

  • I'm working on a DTS in which we automate the creation of an Excel Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is used as a checksheet. I can place and format all my values, but can't create the validation.

    I've used Excel to build a macro and tried to modify that code.

    ---Excel Code---

    With Selection.validation


    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= xlBetween, Formula1:="=$A$1:$A$4"

    .IgnoreBlank = True

    .InCellDropdown = True

    .InputTitle = ""

    .ErrorTitle = ""

    .InputMessage = ""

    .ErrorMessage = ""

    .ShowInput = True

    .ShowError = True

    End With

    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("D7:F9"), Type:=xlFillDefault


    The Selection reference doesn't work so I add my object reference in front of each line.

    ---VBScript Code---


    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= xlBetween, Formula1:="=$A$1:$A$4"

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.IgnoreBlank = True

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.InCellDropdown = True

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.InputTitle = ""

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.ErrorTitle = ""

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.InputMessage = ""

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.ErrorMessage = ""

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.ShowInput = True

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).cells.item(rownum,7).Validation.ShowError = True

    Peace Out!


  • and to finish the original post.

    I receive a syntax error on the 2nd line of the vbscript code.

    I've played with it for hours today and am looking for a bit of help on what the syntax error would be or how else I can format this part.

    Much Thanks,


    Peace Out!


  • Much thanks to Chip Pearson in the microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript news group for posting the links to http://www.cpearson.com/zips/xlconsts.zip and


    The numeric translations for my variables was containted within.

    The correct line should read as follows:

    wkbnew.worksheets(1).range(rowcol).validation.add 3, 1, 1, "=$A$1:$A$4"

    Peace Out!


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