dtsrun in a DOS batch file not working

  • I have one DTS Package which runs fine from a DOS batch file on the SQL Server.  A colleague created another DTS but this one will not run from any DOS batch file dtsrun command.  No matter if I use the same user and login and also no matter if I Save As... and make myself the Owner of the DTS Package, the same owner of teh DTS that works. Any suggestions?  Help!!!

  • Solved it.  Within the dts package is a connection to a text file which my colleague had exclusive share access to as d on the server, so he coded the file path as <A href="file://\\<servername\d\\textfile.txt">\\<servername\d\<foldername>\textfile.txt.  I changed the file path to d$ an administrative share in the dts text file connection and he could no longer run it but I could as the administrator on the server.  Furthermore we were using IPSwitch FTP Server to auto kick off a dts process whenever a file finished uploading and since the FTP Server Manager runs under the system account it runs when I use d$ and does not run when I use the d share.

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