Dynamic Audit Trigger

  • I am looking for a way to write a dynamic trigger to insert rows into a transaction log.  I can dynamically determine what columns have changed, but I am stuck on getting the old and new values dynamically.  I cannot seem to access the inserted or deleted tables correctly. 

    Does any one have any suggestions?

    This is what I have so far:

    CREATE TRIGGER trg_U_Employee on Employee FOR UPDATE



       declare @colname nvarchar(64)

       declare @count integer

       declare @flaginsert bit

       declare @bit  integer

       declare @value nvarchar(4000)

       declare @oldvalue nvarchar(4000)

       set @count = 1

       set @bit = 1

       set @colcount = 1

       declare c1 cursor for select c.name from sysobjects o join syscolumns c on c.id = o.id and o.name = 'Employee' order by colorder

       open c1

       fetch next from c1 into @colname

       while @@fetch_status = 0


          if (SUBSTRING(COLUMNS_UPDATED(),@bit,1) & power(2, (@count - 1 )) = power(2, (@count - 1 )))


             insert into TransactionLog(transactiontype, transactionsource,foreign_id, columnname, username, value, priorvalue)

                select 'U', 'Pipe', inserted.id, @colname, 'Test', @value, @oldvalue

                from inserted


          if @count % cast(8 as int) = 0


             set @bit = @bit + 1

             set @count = 0


          set @count = @count + 1

          fetch next from c1 into @colname


       close c1

       deallocate c1



  • As table name is static, so as column name, you can use case statement to access old, new value for a column depends on column position (column id).

    For example, in Pubs.dbo.Employee table

              case @colpos when 1 then cast(i.emp_id as varchar)

                          when 2 then cast(i.fname as varchar)

                          when 3 then cast(i.minit as varchar)

                          when 4 then cast(i.lname as varchar)

                          when 5 then cast(i.job_id as varchar)

                          when 6 then cast(i.job_lvl as varchar)

                          when 7 then cast(i.pub_id as varchar)

                          when 8 then cast(i.hire_date as varchar)

               end as newvalue,

              case @colpos when 1 then cast(d.emp_id as varchar)

                          when 2 then cast(d.fname as varchar)

                          when 3 then cast(d.minit as varchar)

                          when 4 then cast(d.lname as varchar)

                          when 5 then cast(d.job_id as varchar)

                          when 6 then cast(d.job_lvl as varchar)

                          when 7 then cast(d.pub_id as varchar)

                          when 8 then cast(d.hire_date as varchar)

               end as oldvalue

              from inserted i, deleted d where i.emp_id = d.emp_id


  • So, there is no way in SQL server to get a record set and enumerate through the columns to get the column value without specifying the name?  I even tried to use executesql but that does not run in the context of a the trigger and when I tried to use select into, to create a temporary table, I get messages about unable to access ntext fields.

    If I have to list out the columns explicitly, then why use the updated_columns() function?

  • COLUMNS_UPDATED can be used to detect a multiple column change as a bitmasked value to trigger some actions


    * Noel


    There is a difference between an update to a column and a change to a column.  An update simply means that there was an update and that the new value could very well be the same as the old value

    If one is using a front-end like VB to invoke the SP, on could beat SQL

    and saves the original value, checks it against the updated value and takes the appropriate action..


    If not, ( I am sure it can be done... if some thought is put into it..)



    Where will you be 80 years from now? (So, take it easy!)

  • How about:


            'Col1' as col_name,

            I.col1 as new_val,

            D.col1 as old_val


            inserted I Join

            deleted D On

                       I.primary_key = D.primary_key And

                       I.col1 <> D.col1



            'Col2' as col_name,

            I.col2 as new_val,

            D.col2 as old_val


            inserted I Join

            deleted D On

                       I.primary_key = D.primary_key And

                       I.col2 <> D.col2

    I know it would be long select - union combination but it does avoid the cursor which MS recommends against using in triggers.  I have never used it but I belieeve it would work.  I have typically only wnated to mointor updates to specific columns so I have used If Update(colname) Insert into audit_table.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
    Need an Answer? Actually, No ... You Need a Question

  • I thought about that and also about nested if statements.  The big problem is the number of columns in our tables and the fact that we change the columns quite often.  Plus we have over 200 tables that need these triggers and it would be best to have a template method.  And we do not want to do this in the application layer because this should be transparent to the many interfaces into our application.

    In other databases, I have passed the inserted/deleted tables out into a stored procedure and processed them as recordsets, but I don't think that I can do that in SQL Server. 

    It may be that I have to use our ERD tool to automatically generate the triggers from the stored table definition.  At least that way, I would not have to manually change triggers every time we change columns.

  • It would not be too hard to write script for generating triggers base on table schema info.

  • I'll go also for wz700 suggestion. In fact that's what I use. Trigger script generation based on schema. And it does not matter if you have 500 tables and 200 fields per table that's what scripts are for, right?  

    * Noel

  • I took this code from here somewhere and I modified it. Maybe this will help





    /* How To use this Procedure

      exec sa_TraceTrigger @TableName = 'apinvc', @Verbose =1  -- To see The Triggers Only

      exec sa_TraceTrigger @TableName = 'apinvc', @type = 'U'  -- For Update Only

      exec sa_TraceTrigger @TableName = 'apinvc', @type = 'IU' -- For insert and Update Only

      exec sa_TraceTrigger @TableName = 'apinvc', @type = 'UD' -- For Update and delete Only

      exec sa_TraceTrigger @TableName = 'apinvc'               -- For insert, Update and delete triggers


    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('sa_LogTable'))

      drop table sa_LogTable


    CREATE TABLE sa_LogTable (

     LOG_ID bigint IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     LOG_Table varchar (20) NOT NULL ,

     LOG_Date datetime NOT NULL Default(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),

     LOG_Action char (1) NOT NULL ,

     LOG_VamUser varchar(20) NOT NULL Default('Manual Entry'),

     LOG_Keys varchar (200) NULL ,

     LOG_Values varchar (7500) NULL ,

     LOG_SqlUser varchar(20) NOT NULL Default(CURRENT_USER),

     LOG_Application Varchar(100) NOT NULL Default(APP_NAME()),

      LOG_HostName Varchar(50) NOT NULL Default(Host_name())



    if not exists (select * from amwsys..sysindexes where id = object_id('dbo.sa_LogTable') and name = 'sa_LogTable_Log_Table')

      CREATE INDEX sa_LogTable_Log_Table ON sa_LogTable (Log_Table)

    if not exists (select * from amwsys..sysindexes where id = object_id('dbo.sa_LogTable') and name = 'sa_LogTable_Log_Action')

      CREATE INDEX sa_LogTable_Log_Action ON sa_LogTable (Log_Action)

    if not exists (select * from amwsys..sysindexes where id = object_id('dbo.sa_LogTable') and name = 'sa_LogTable_Log_Keys')

      CREATE INDEX sa_LogTable_Log_Keys ON sa_LogTable (Log_Keys)


    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('sa_TraceTrigger'))

      DROP Procedure sa_TraceTrigger


    CREATE Procedure sa_TraceTrigger

    @TableName sysname,

    @Type char(3) = 'IUD',

    @Verbose bit=0,

    @fldlist varchar(1000)=''


    DECLARE @Body_G varchar(1000), @Body_I varchar(2000), @Body_U1 varchar(4000),

            @Body_U2 varchar(4000), @Body_U3 varchar(4000), @Body_U4 varchar(4000), @Body_D varchar(2000),

            @EquCond Varchar(2000), @keyCond varchar(2000),

            @Cond_U1 varchar(4000), @Cond_U2 varchar(4000), @Cond_U3 varchar(4000) , @Cond_U4 varchar(4000) ,

            @Keys varchar(900), @Keyname varchar(60),

            @Table sysname, @Schema sysname,

            @Column sysname, @DataType Sysname

    SELECT @Table =PARSENAME(@TableName,1),

           @Schema=ISNULL(PARSENAME(@TableName, 2), CURRENT_USER)

    Create table #temp03 (name sysname)

    select @Body_G = "insert into #temp03 select name from SysObjects WHERE id = Object_id('dbo."+rtrim(@Table)+"')"

    execute (@Body_G)

    if not exists (select * from #temp03)


      drop table #temp03



    drop table #temp03


    SELECT @Body_G=

      "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SysObjects WHERE Type = 'TR' AND id = Object_id('"+@Schema+".iTR_Audit_"+@Table+"'))"+char(13)+

      "  Drop Trigger "+@Schema+".iTR_Audit_"+@Table+char(13)+

      "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SysObjects WHERE Type = 'TR' AND id = Object_id('"+@Schema+".uTR_Audit_"+@Table+"'))"+char(13)+

      "  Drop Trigger "+@Schema+".uTR_Audit_"+@Table+char(13)+

      "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SysObjects WHERE Type = 'TR' AND id = Object_id('"+@Schema+".dTR_Audit_"+@Table+"'))"+char(13)+

      "  Drop Trigger "+@Schema+".dTR_Audit_"+@Table

    Select @Body_I ='', @Body_U1 ='', @Body_U2 ='', @Body_U3 ='', @Body_U4 ='', @Body_D ='',   

           @EquCond ='', @keyCond ='',  

          @Cond_U1='', @Cond_U2='', @Cond_U3='', @Cond_U4='', @Keys =''    

    select @Body_I ='Create Trigger iTR_Audit_'+@Table +' ON '+ @TableName +char(13)+

                    'For Insert ' +char(13)+

                    'As '+char(13)+

                    '  begin '+char(13)+

                    '  set xact_abort on'+char(13)+

                    "  if (select trigger_nestlevel(object_ID('dbo.iTR_Audit_"+@Table+"'))) > 1 "+char(13)+

                    '    return'+char(13)+

                    '  declare @lcfullname char(30),'+char(13)+

                    '          @lcusername char(20)'+char(13)+

                    "    select @lcusername= 'Manual Entry'"+char(13),

           @Body_U1='Create Trigger uTR_Audit_'+@Table +' ON '+@TableName +char(13)+

                    'For update ' +char(13)+

                    'As ' +char(13)+

                    '  begin '+char(13)+

                    '  set xact_abort on'+char(13)+

                    "  if (select trigger_nestlevel(object_ID('dbo.uTR_Audit_"+@Table+"'))) > 1 "+char(13)+

                    '    return'+char(13)+

                    '  declare @lcfullname char(30),'+char(13)+

                    '          @lcusername char(20)'+char(13)+

                    "    select @lcusername= 'Manual Entry'"+char(13)+

                    '  Insert into sa_LogTable (LOG_Table, LOG_Keys, LOG_Values, LOG_Action, LOG_VamUser)'+char(13),

           @Body_d ='Create Trigger dTR_Audit_'+@Table+' ON '+@TableName +char(13)+

                    'For delete ' +char(13)+

                    'As '+char(13)+

                    '  begin '+char(13)+

                    '  set xact_abort on'+char(13)+

                    "  if (select trigger_nestlevel(object_ID('dbo.dTR_Audit_"+@Table+"'))) > 1 "+char(13)+

                    '    return'+char(13)+

                    '  declare @lcfullname char(30),'+char(13)+

                    '          @lcusername char(20)'+char(13)+

                    "    select @lcusername= 'Manual Entry'"+char(13)

    Declare FieldList Cursor FOR   

      Select ', ['+ COL_Name(Object_ID(@TableName), k.COLID)+']' as keyname

      from sysIndexKeys k, sysindexes I

      Where i.id=object_ID(@TableName)  and

           i.id = k.id and i.indid=k.indid and

           i.status & 0x800 =0x800

      order by keyno

    Open FieldList   

    FETCH NEXT FROM FieldList INTO @keyname   



      Select @Keys= @Keys +@keyname

      FETCH NEXT FROM FieldList INTO @keyname   


    CLOSE FieldList   

    deallocate FieldList   

    IF LEN(@Keys)>1

     select @Keys = SUBSTRING(@Keys, 3, LEN(@Keys)-2)



       PRINT 'No Primary Keys are available to handle the operation'



    Declare FieldList Cursor FOR   


      from Information_Schema.Columns

      Where TABLE_Name =@Table and

            TABLE_SCHEMA=@Schema and

            Data_Type not in ('TimeStamp','Text','BINARY', 'varbinary')

    Open FieldList   

    FETCH NEXT FROM FieldList INTO @Column, @DataType   



      select @Column = rtrim(@Column)

     IF CHARINDEX(@Column, @Keys)>0    

       SELECT @keyCond =@keyCond +

                  CASE WHEN @DataType in ('Smalldatetime', 'DateTime') THEN

                              "isnull(Convert(Varchar(10), I."+ @Column +", 101),'NULL')"   

                         WHEN @DataType in ('bigint','bit', 'int', 'smallint', 'tinyint', 'real', 'decimal', 'float', 'money', 'numeric') THEN

                            "isnull(Convert(Varchar(16), I."+ @Column +"),'NULL')"

                  ELSE "isnull(I."+ @Column+",'NULL')" END+' + ',

               @EquCond = @EquCond+ ' and I.'+ @Column +' = <A href="mailto.'+@Column">D.'+@Column


        if @fldlist = '' OR (@fldlist <> '' and CHARINDEX(@Column, @fldlist) > 0)


          if LEN(@Cond_U1) < 2850

           SELECT @Cond_U1 =@Cond_U1+char(13)+space(4)+ 'case when I.'+ @Column +' <> <A href="mailto.'+@Column">D.'+@Column+" then '"+@Column+": '+" +   

                      CASE WHEN @DataType in ('Smalldatetime', 'DateTime') THEN

                                  "isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),D."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),I."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')"

                             WHEN @DataType in ('bigint','bit', 'int', 'smallint', 'tinyint', 'real', 'decimal', 'float', 'money', 'numeric') THEN

                                "isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),D."+ @Column +"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),I."+ @Column +"),'NULL')"

                      ELSE "isnull(rtrim(D."+ @Column+"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(rtrim(I."+ @Column+"),'NULL')" END +"+char(13) else '' end +"


          if LEN(@Cond_U2) < 3750

           SELECT @Cond_U2 =@Cond_U2+char(13)+space(4)+ 'case when I.'+ @Column +' <> <A href="mailto.'+@Column">D.'+@Column+" then '"+@Column+": '+" +   

                      CASE WHEN @DataType in ('Smalldatetime', 'DateTime') THEN

                                  "isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),D."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),I."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')"

                             WHEN @DataType in ('bigint','bit', 'int', 'smallint', 'tinyint', 'real', 'decimal', 'float', 'money', 'numeric') THEN

                                "isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),D."+ @Column +"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),I."+ @Column +"),'NULL')"

                      ELSE "isnull(rtrim(D."+ @Column+"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(rtrim(I."+ @Column+"),'NULL')" END +"+char(13) else '' end +"


          if LEN(@Cond_U3) < 3750

           SELECT @Cond_U3 =@Cond_U3+char(13)+space(4)+ 'case when I.'+ @Column +' <> <A href="mailto.'+@Column">D.'+@Column+" then '"+@Column+": '+" +   

                      CASE WHEN @DataType in ('Smalldatetime', 'DateTime') THEN

                                  "isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),D."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),I."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')"

                             WHEN @DataType in ('bigint','bit', 'int', 'smallint', 'tinyint', 'real', 'decimal', 'float', 'money', 'numeric') THEN

                                "isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),D."+ @Column +"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),I."+ @Column +"),'NULL')"

                      ELSE "isnull(rtrim(D."+ @Column+"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(rtrim(I."+ @Column+"),'NULL')" END +"+char(13) else '' end +"


           SELECT @Cond_U4 =@Cond_U4+char(13)+space(4)+ 'case when I.'+ @Column +' <> <A href="mailto.'+@Column">D.'+@Column+" then '"+@Column+": '+" +   

                      CASE WHEN @DataType in ('Smalldatetime', 'DateTime') THEN

                                  "isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),D."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(10),I."+ @Column +",101),'NULL')"

                             WHEN @DataType in ('bigint','bit', 'int', 'smallint', 'tinyint', 'real', 'decimal', 'float', 'money', 'numeric') THEN

                                "isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),D."+ @Column +"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(Convert(Varchar(16),I."+ @Column +"),'NULL')"

                      ELSE "isnull(rtrim(D."+ @Column+"),'NULL')+'=>'+isnull(rtrim(I."+ @Column+"),'NULL')" END +"+char(13) else '' end +"


     FETCH NEXT FROM FieldList INTO @Column, @DataType   


    CLOSE FieldList   

    deallocate FieldList   

    IF LEN(@keyCond)>1

     SELECT @keyCond= left(@keyCond, LEN(@keyCond)-1)

    IF LEN(@Cond_U4)>1

      SELECT @Cond_U4= left(@Cond_U4, LEN(@Cond_U4)-23) + " else '' end"


      IF LEN(@Cond_U3)>1

        SELECT @Cond_U3= LEFT(@Cond_U3, LEN(@Cond_U3)-23) + " else '' end"


        IF LEN(@Cond_U2)>1

          SELECT @Cond_U2= LEFT(@Cond_U2, LEN(@Cond_U2)-23) + " else '' end"


          IF LEN(@Cond_U1)>1

            SELECT @Cond_U1= LEFT(@Cond_U1, LEN(@Cond_U1)-23) + " else '' end"

    IF LEN(@EquCond)>5

     SELECT @EquCond= ' WHERE '+ SUBSTRING(@EquCond, 6, LEN(@EquCond)-5)

    select @Body_I = @Body_I + '  if exists (Select * from Inserted)' + char(13)+

                               '    Insert into sa_LogTable (LOG_Table, LOG_Keys, LOG_Action, LOG_VamUser)' + char(13)+

                               "    Select '"+@Table+"', "+@keyCond+",'I',@lcusername from Inserted I " + char(13)+


    select @Body_U1 = @Body_U1 + "    Select '"+@Table+"', "+@keyCond+","+@Cond_U1

    select @Body_U2 = @Cond_U2

    select @Body_U3 = @Cond_U3

    SELECT @Body_U4 = @Cond_U4 + char(13)+

                      SPACE(4)+",'U',@lcusername from Inserted I, Deleted D " + char(13)+

                      space(4)+@EquCond + char(13)+


    Select @Body_D = @Body_D + '  if exists (Select * from Deleted)' + char(13)+

                               '    Insert into sa_LogTable (LOG_Table, LOG_Keys, LOG_Action, LOG_VamUser)  ' + char(13)+

                               "    Select '"+@Table+"', "+@keyCond+",'D',@lcusername from Deleted I " + char(13)+


    If @Verbose=1


      Print @Body_G+ char(13)+'GO'

     IF CHARINDEX("I", @Type)>0    

        Print @Body_I + char(13)+'GO'

     IF CHARINDEX("U", @Type)>0    

        Print @Body_U1

        Print @Body_U2

        Print @Body_U3

        Print @Body_U4 + char(13)+'GO'

     IF CHARINDEX("D", @Type)>0    

        Print @Body_D + char(13)+'GO'





     IF CHARINDEX("I", @Type)>0    


     IF CHARINDEX("U", @Type)>0    


     IF CHARINDEX("D", @Type)>0    






  • Somehow I feel that it would be much easy for one-one level log tracking, instead of one-many (sa_LogTable logs all changes) for the following reasons.

    1. multiple columns primary key.

    2. none-key table.

    3.varchar length limitation.


  • What doy ou mean by change the columns quite often?  Are you renaming and/or changing the datatype?  How many columns in a table?  If your tables are that large maybe it is time to look at the design to see if there is a way to normalize the tables.   Do you have a lot of Null or empty columns?

    Unfortunately you cannot pass table variables as a parameter to a stored procedure, hopefully this will be added in a later version of SQL Server.  You could, and I have done this, create temp tables for the inserted and deleted tables (has to be done using select into as Create Table is not allowed in triggers) and then call a stored procedure and reference those tables in an sp for your processing piece, but anything you could do in an sp you can do in a trigger (except for Create Table, etc..:hehe.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
    Need an Answer? Actually, No ... You Need a Question

  • We are in the mist of some drastic development changes.  I have over 1200 new columns comming in the next month or two and I have been told that there are also a lot of columns moving to different tables.

    Actually, you can do a create table in a trigger.  I have gotten this piece of code to work for all tables except for those that use NTEXT columns.  It is ugly but it does the job.  I realize the microsoft does not recommend cursors in triggers, but I feel that if you are careful and watch your resources, you can write more effecient code.  Becides what is the difference between writing the cursor in a trigger and writing it in a sproc that the trigger calls?

    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'trg_U_Employee' AND type = 'TR')

       DROP TRIGGER trg_U_Employee


    -- Creating a trigger on a nonexistent table.

    CREATE TRIGGER trg_U_Employee on Employee FOR UPDATE



       declare @colname     nvarchar(64)

       declare @tableid     UniqueIdentifier

       declare @stmt        nvarchar(200)

       declare @count       integer

       declare @colcount    integer

       declare @bit         integer

       declare @value       nvarchar(4000)

       declare @oldvalue    nvarchar(4000)

       declare @xtype       tinyint

       declare @tablename   nvarchar(64)

       set @tablename = 'Employee'

       select * into #tempins from inserted

       select * into #tempdel from deleted

       set @count = 1

       set @bit = 1

       set @colcount = 1

       declare c1 cursor for select c.name, c.xtype

                              from sysobjects o

                              join syscolumns c on c.id = o.id and o.name = @tablename

                              order by colorder

       open c1

       fetch next from c1 into @colname, @xtype

       while @@fetch_status = 0


          if ( @colname not in ('id') and @xtype != 99)


             if (

                  SUBSTRING(COLUMNS_UPDATED(),@bit,1) & power(2, (@count - 1 )) = power(2, (@count - 1 ))



                create table #temp (x nvarchar(4000))

                set @stmt = 'insert into #temp select ' + @colname + ' from #tempins'

                EXEC sp_executesql @stmt

                select @value = x from #temp

                set @stmt = 'insert into #temp select ' + @colname + ' from #tempdel'

                EXEC sp_executesql @stmt

                select @oldvalue = x from #temp

                drop table #temp

                insert into TransactionLog(transactiontype, transactionsource,foreign_id,columnname, username, value, priorvalue)

                   select 'U', 'Pipe', inserted.id, @tablename, @colname, 'Test', @value, @oldvalue

                   from inserted


          end --  filter

          if @count % cast(8 as int) = 0


             set @bit = @bit + 1

             set @count = 0


          set @count = @count + 1

          set @colcount = @colcount + 1

          fetch next from c1 into @colname, @xtype


       close c1

       deallocate c1

       drop table #tempins

       drop table #tempdel



  • there are some problems with that trigger:

    1. if  more than one row is updated it won't work

    (Triggers are fired by statements not by rows )

    2. assuming that only 1 row is updated at a time

     create table #temp (x nvarchar(4000))

                set @stmt = 'insert into #temp select ' + @colname + ' from #tempins'

                EXEC sp_executesql @stmt

                select @value = x from #temp

                set @stmt = 'insert into #temp select ' + @colname + ' from #tempdel'

                EXEC sp_executesql @stmt

                select @oldvalue = x from #temp

                drop table #temp

    why that many temp tables?  can't you just

      set @stmt = 'select @value = cast(' + @colname + '  as varchar(4000)) from inserted'

      exec sp_executesql @stmt, '@value varchar(4000) OUTPUT', @value OUTPUT

     set @stmt = 'select @oldvalue = cast(' + @colname + '  as varchar(4000)) from deleted'

      exec sp_executesql @stmt, '@oldvalue  varchar(4000) OUTPUT', @oldvalue OUTPUT

    3. Assuming no rows were updated your trigger will still run (Delay overhead)

    4. Hopefully you are not on a transaction heavy enviroment


    * Noel

  • You are right in SQL2000 you can use create table in a trigger.  I was working in SQL 7 when I could not use that statement in a trigger.

    You are correct that if you are calling an sp that uses a cursor from within a trigger it is that same thing.  I have seen, especially in tables with a large # of columns,  where the overhead associated with creating the cursor significantly hinders performance regardless of the # of rows selected by the cursor.  I have always read and heard that if you can do it without a cursor, don't use a cursor.  Obviously there are instances where it has to be done.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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