Dynamic Connection Strings in Reporting Services 2005

  • Hi Nomvula....

    Sorry bro...I tried a lot but I didnt get what I exactly wanted......

    So that task is still pending in my worklist..........

  • thanks

    let me know if you find a work around that one

  • Thanks for a very good article but whether this will support shared data source. I'm getting error.

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • Hi,

    I did everything stated in the instructions but I am getting this error:

    An error has occurred during report processing.

    Cannot create a connection to data source 'TEST'.

    For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

    Can anyone help I'm just a newbie in RS.



  • thx Debby, You saved lot of time for me. even i was fighting with rs and MSDN for this 🙂


  • i have to use the dynamic connection string as it was shown in here and i have to get a list of database values if the user selects a particular server name and i tried to use exec sp_databases and in order to populate this data set i need to pass the connection string and the connection string does not have the database name in it so how can i get the list of the database names and give them as available values for the initial catalog parameter. i think you get my point but i really need to get this working. also i am concerned about how are we going to work with reports that share a same datasource. do we have to pass in the satasource for each report individually or is there a way out of that. any help would be apperciated. thanks

  • I believe you could connect to Master as the default database, run your query to get the list of databases to populate the drop down.

  • ok i have been able to get the database names by changing the connection string for the specific dataset but i would also like to get the dropdown list for the server names on the network. any idea

  • A couple questions:

    1) Are you using Active directory?

    2) Are you servers named in such a way that you can filter out which one's are SQL Servers and which ones are not?

  • Hi,

    not sure where u want to load teh list of sql servers in a list box, if its supports .net language u can ue sql serevr smo and there are classes which will list the sql servers in LAN



  • i am trying work on a report with dynamic connection strings in ssrs2005. i was able to generate the list of the databases to use for the initial catalog= Databasename but i would like to know if we can generate the list of the servers using a query so that we can select the list of the servers. also i have a question with the username and password. when i try to give them dynamically it is not working for me. any guess.my main aim is to get the name of the server as available values for the data source = parameters!servername.value

  • There is no table is SQL Server that will give you this information unless you want to create and maintain a table with this information. Otherwise you need to look at some sort of query outside of SQL Server to get this information, like using AD to query all the computers in the domain, but even with that unless your computer names have a unique id to tell you that it's a SQL Server you are stuck. Jeswanth may have the better idea for you but not having ever used that method I can't validate it.

  • how about username and password are there any methods for dynamically allocating them. i am aksing you this in the context of having multiple datasets. i have 6 to 7 datasets each having same login id and password. so if i can use parameters for the username and password then it would be help full but 205 does not allow me to do that

  • If you are using Active Directory (AD) user accounts then this is easy, you just have the datasource use Windows Integrated Security. If you are not using AD then I suspose you could probably create some code to map the users AD account to a SQL Server account and have it logon automagically. Otherwise you could use "Credentials Stored Securely on the server" where you use a single user name and password for the data source and control access to the reports by user using the security tab under each report or folder.

  • Also, what if we don't know the credentials. can we dynamically supply the user and its password to the datasource?

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