Dynamic creation of Insert, Update, Delete Stored procedure

  • I use the T4 template processor provided freely in VisualSudio for this. It is much more flexible and easier to read. Also, I can point it to a whole database of tables or a set of tables and generate a whole wad of stored procs. Here is an article about it: http://www.olegsych.com/2008/01/how-to-use-t4-to-generate-crud-stored-procedures

  • I use CodeSmith templates for this task, and much more. You can find my article about here. In the zip file beside template for procedures, there is also template for data layer class for table and bussiness object class.

  • Thank u.it's very very useful & time saving for the developers.

  • Deepthi Viswanathan Nair (7/22/2009)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/articles/Stored+Procedures/67055/">Dynamic creation of Insert, Update, Delete Stored procedure</A>

    I found an error when column type is NVARCHAR.

    ex. nvarchar(255)

    ----> used your store procedure the datatype become nvarchar(510)

  • Very ingenious, but honestly, the proliferation of procs isn't a good thing.

    This is better handled as others have said in client code where one class can dynamically generate all the needed code at run time.

    This avoids all types of issues and allows you to keep all the code in the same place - business logic, data validation, etc.

    Still, it is very ingenious, I just think less effort would be involved in the long run by keeping such code out of the database.

  • Yall should check out MyGeneration. They have a huge repository of scripts to generate anything for any language.


  • I appreciate the thought and effort, but this is technology from 8+ yrs ago.. use an ORM and focus on value-added customer functionality

  • I understand why people write these utilities, but Microsoft changes system tables and relations between objects with every release. Utilities like this can become quickly out of date, and if deployed into some sort of production automation could cause problems on an upgrade.

  • Should look into using n-hibernate tool such as CSLA, LLBLGen Pro, etc... The CRUD procedures should reside in the DataAccessLayer.dll.

  • The other thing that is missing is any code to handle decimal and numeric datatypes with Precision and Scale.

  • Hi

    Great effort in getting out this procedure but what about decimal(p,s) that doesn't seem to reflect either.

  • You could try this forum link:



  • This is AWESOME! Thank you!

  • to check your decimal(p,s) you can do this :

    Case When systypes.xusertype =106 Then '(' + Convert(varchar(10),syscolumns.xprec) +','+Convert(varchar(10),syscolumns.xscale)+')'

  • Eric_AZ (7/14/2010)

    This is AWESOME! Thank you!


    Just wondering if you mean the SSCodeGen software to generate code, from the forum link before your reply, or this article for dynamic sql?

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