Dynamic query

  • Hi,

    In continuation with a previous topic I asked I still have issue with a new dynamic query (this is kind a new subject for me), :w00t:

    I have a few empty tables that they look all the same

    --drop table Finiti

    create table Finiti


    ID int identity primary key

    ,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETDATE())

    ,UserName varchar (50) NOT NULL

    ,CompanyName varchar (50) NOT NULL

    ,IP varchar (50)

    ,RequestNumber varchar(40) DEFAULT(NEWID())

    ,ModelType int

    ,AP_Customer_ID int

    ,AP_Application_ID int

    ,BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT int

    ,BH_CurrentLoans_CNT int

    ,BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT int

    ,BH_LegalIndex_FLG int

    ,BH_LoanRefuse_FLG int

    ,LO_LoanRequest_AMT float

    ,LO_LoanObjective_CD int

    ,LO_LoanPeriod_CNT int

    ,LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD int

    ,Cust_Age_CNT int

    ,Cust_Gender int

    ,Cust_MaritalStatus_CD int

    ,Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT int

    ,Cust_Education_CD int

    ,Cust_EmploymentType_CD int

    ,Cust_WorkType_CD int

    ,Cust_City_CD int

    ,Cust_Street_CD int

    ,Cust_addressNum_CNT int

    ,Cust_ZipCode_CNT int

    ,Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT int

    ,Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT float

    ,Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT float

    ,Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG int

    ,Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT float

    ,Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT float

    ,Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT float

    ,Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG int

    ,FIN_FinanceInvest_CD int

    ,COL_CollateralType_CD int

    ,COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT float

    ,COL_SavingAccount_AMT float

    ,COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT float

    ,COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT datetime

    ,COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT float

    ,COL_Ishtalmut_AMT float

    ,COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT float

    ,COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT datetime

    ,Cust_BankDeposit_CD int

    ,Cust_BranchDeposit_CD int

    ,Cust_BankWithdraw_CD int

    ,Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD int

    ,Cust_Active_Status_FLG int

    ,Dirug varchar(5)


    I need to populate the table, but I will know exactly which table to populate once I receive the company name.

    I tried two version of the procedure and it is not working

    version one

    alter procedure insert_data_extendedmodel_sp

    @UserName varchar (50)

    ,@CompanyName varchar (50)

    ,@IP varchar (50)

    ,@AP_Customer_ID int

    ,@AP_Application_ID int

    ,@BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_CurrentLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT int

    ,@BH_LegalIndex_FLG int

    ,@BH_LoanRefuse_FLG int

    ,@LO_LoanRequest_AMT float

    ,@LO_LoanObjective_CD int

    ,@LO_LoanPeriod_CNT int

    ,@LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD int

    ,@Cust_Age_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Gender int

    ,@Cust_MaritalStatus_CD int

    ,@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Education_CD int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentType_CD int

    ,@Cust_WorkType_CD int

    ,@Cust_City_CD int

    ,@Cust_Street_CD int

    ,@Cust_addressNum_CNT int

    ,@Cust_ZipCode_CNT int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT int

    ,@Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG int

    ,@Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT float

    ,@Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT float

    ,@Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT float

    ,@Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG int

    ,@FIN_FinanceInvest_CD int

    ,@COL_CollateralType_CD int

    ,@COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccount_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT datetime

    ,@COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_Ishtalmut_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT datetime

    ,@Cust_BankDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BankWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_Active_Status_FLG int

    ,@Dirug varchar(5)



    declare @TableName nvarchar(200), @sqlquery nvarchar(max)

    select @TableName = name from sys.objects where type = 'u' and name = @CompanyName

    set @sqlquery = 'insert into ' + @TableName + ' (UserName, CompanyName, IP, ModelType,AP_Customer_ID ,AP_Application_ID, BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT ,BH_CurrentLoans_CNT ,BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT

    ,BH_LegalIndex_FLG ,BH_LoanRefuse_FLG ,LO_LoanRequest_AMT ,LO_LoanObjective_CD ,LO_LoanPeriod_CNT ,LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD ,Cust_Age_CNT

    ,Cust_Gender ,Cust_MaritalStatus_CD ,Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT ,Cust_Education_CD ,Cust_EmploymentType_CD, Cust_WorkType_CD ,Cust_City_CD ,Cust_Street_CD

    ,Cust_addressNum_CNT, Cust_ZipCode_CNT ,Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT ,Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT ,Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT ,Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG ,Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT

    ,Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT ,Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT ,Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG ,FIN_FinanceInvest_CD ,COL_CollateralType_CD ,COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT

    ,COL_SavingAccount_AMT ,COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT ,COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT ,COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT ,COL_Ishtalmut_AMT ,COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT ,COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT

    ,Cust_BankDeposit_CD ,Cust_BranchDeposit_CD ,Cust_BankWithdraw_CD ,Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD ,Cust_Active_Status_FLG ,Dirug) values ('@UserName + ',' + @CompanyName

    ,@IP + ',1 ,' + @AP_Customer_ID + ',' + @AP_Application_ID + ',' + @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT + ',' + @BH_CurrentLoans_CNT+ ',' + @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT

    + ',' +@BH_LegalIndex_FLG + ',' +@BH_LoanRefuse_FLG + ',' + @LO_LoanRequest_AMT + ',' + @LO_LoanObjective_CD + ',' + @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT+ ',' +@LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD + ',' + @Cust_Age_CNT

    + ',' +@Cust_Gender + ',' +@Cust_MaritalStatus_CD + ',' +@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT+ ',' +@Cust_Education_CD + ',' +,@Cust_EmploymentType_CD+ ',' +@Cust_WorkType_CD+ ',' +@Cust_City_CD

    + ',' +@Cust_Street_CD ,@Cust_addressNum_CNT+ ',' +@Cust_ZipCode_CNT+ ',' +@Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT + ',' +@Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT+ ',' +@Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT

    + ',' +@Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG + ',' +@Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT + ',' +@Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT + ',' +@Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT + ',' +@Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG

    + ',' +@FIN_FinanceInvest_CD + ',' +@COL_CollateralType_CD + ',' +@COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT + ',' +@COL_SavingAccount_AMT + ',' + @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT + ',' + CAST(@COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT as nvarchar(11))

    + ',' +@COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT + ',' +@COL_Ishtalmut_AMT + ',' +@COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT + ',' + CAST(@COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT as nvarchar(11))+ ',' + @Cust_BankDeposit_CD + ',' + @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD

    + ',' +@Cust_BankWithdraw_CD + ',' +@Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD + ',' +@Cust_Active_Status_FLG+ ',' + @Dirug)''

    PRINT @sqlquery

    exec sp_executesql @sqlquery


    version two

    alter procedure insert_data_extendedmodel_sp

    @UserName varchar (50)

    ,@CompanyName varchar (50)

    ,@IP varchar (50)

    ,@AP_Customer_ID int

    ,@AP_Application_ID int

    ,@BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_CurrentLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT int

    ,@BH_LegalIndex_FLG int

    ,@BH_LoanRefuse_FLG int

    ,@LO_LoanRequest_AMT float

    ,@LO_LoanObjective_CD int

    ,@LO_LoanPeriod_CNT int

    ,@LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD int

    ,@Cust_Age_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Gender int

    ,@Cust_MaritalStatus_CD int

    ,@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Education_CD int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentType_CD int

    ,@Cust_WorkType_CD int

    ,@Cust_City_CD int

    ,@Cust_Street_CD int

    ,@Cust_addressNum_CNT int

    ,@Cust_ZipCode_CNT int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT int

    ,@Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG int

    ,@Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT float

    ,@Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT float

    ,@Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT float

    ,@Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG int

    ,@FIN_FinanceInvest_CD int

    ,@COL_CollateralType_CD int

    ,@COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccount_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT datetime

    ,@COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_Ishtalmut_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT datetime

    ,@Cust_BankDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BankWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_Active_Status_FLG int

    ,@Dirug varchar(5)



    declare @TableName nvarchar(200), @sqlquery nvarchar(max)

    select @TableName = name from sys.objects where type = 'u' and name = @CompanyName

    set @sqlquery = 'insert into ' + @TableName + ' (UserName, CompanyName, IP, ModelType,AP_Customer_ID ,AP_Application_ID, BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT ,BH_CurrentLoans_CNT ,BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT

    ,BH_LegalIndex_FLG ,BH_LoanRefuse_FLG ,LO_LoanRequest_AMT ,LO_LoanObjective_CD ,LO_LoanPeriod_CNT ,LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD ,Cust_Age_CNT

    ,Cust_Gender ,Cust_MaritalStatus_CD ,Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT ,Cust_Education_CD ,Cust_EmploymentType_CD, Cust_WorkType_CD ,Cust_City_CD ,Cust_Street_CD

    ,Cust_addressNum_CNT, Cust_ZipCode_CNT ,Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT ,Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT ,Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT ,Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG ,Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT

    ,Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT ,Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT ,Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG ,FIN_FinanceInvest_CD ,COL_CollateralType_CD ,COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT

    ,COL_SavingAccount_AMT ,COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT ,COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT ,COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT ,COL_Ishtalmut_AMT ,COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT ,COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT

    ,Cust_BankDeposit_CD ,Cust_BranchDeposit_CD ,Cust_BankWithdraw_CD ,Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD ,Cust_Active_Status_FLG ,Dirug) values (@UserName ,@CompanyName

    ,@IP, ''1'', @AP_Customer_ID ,@AP_Application_ID ,@BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT ,@BH_CurrentLoans_CNT, @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT

    ,@BH_LegalIndex_FLG ,@BH_LoanRefuse_FLG ,@LO_LoanRequest_AMT ,@LO_LoanObjective_CD, @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT, @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD, @Cust_Age_CNT

    ,@Cust_Gender ,@Cust_MaritalStatus_CD ,@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT ,@Cust_Education_CD ,@Cust_EmploymentType_CD ,@Cust_WorkType_CD ,@Cust_City_CD

    ,@Cust_Street_CD ,@Cust_addressNum_CNT ,@Cust_ZipCode_CNT ,@Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT ,@Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT ,@Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT

    ,@Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG ,@Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT ,@Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT ,@Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT ,@Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG

    ,@FIN_FinanceInvest_CD ,@COL_CollateralType_CD ,@COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT ,@COL_SavingAccount_AMT ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT ,''' + CAST(@COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT as nvarchar(11))

    + ''',@COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT ,@COL_Ishtalmut_AMT ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT ,''' + CAST(@COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT as nvarchar(11)) + ''',@Cust_BankDeposit_CD ,@Cust_BranchDeposit_CD

    ,@Cust_BankWithdraw_CD ,@Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD ,@Cust_Active_Status_FLG ,@Dirug)'

    PRINT @sqlquery

    exec sp_executesql @stmt = @sqlquery, @UserName = @UserName, @CompanyName = @CompanyName, @IP = @IP, @AP_Customer_ID = @AP_Customer_ID ,@AP_Application_ID = @AP_Application_ID,

    @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT = @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT ,@BH_CurrentLoans_CNT = @BH_CurrentLoans_CNT, @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT = @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT,

    @BH_LegalIndex_FLG = @BH_LegalIndex_FLG, @BH_LoanRefuse_FLG = @BH_LoanRefuse_FLG, @LO_LoanRequest_AMT = @LO_LoanRequest_AMT, @LO_LoanObjective_CD = @LO_LoanObjective_CD,

    @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT = @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT, @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD = @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD, @Cust_Age_CNT = @Cust_Age_CNT, @Cust_Gender = @Cust_Gender,

    @Cust_MaritalStatus_CD = @Cust_MaritalStatus_CD,@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT = @Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT, @Cust_Education_CD = @Cust_Education_CD,

    @Cust_EmploymentType_CD = @Cust_EmploymentType_CD, @Cust_WorkType_CD = @Cust_WorkType_CD, @Cust_City_CD = @Cust_City_CD ,@Cust_Street_CD = @Cust_Street_CD,

    @Cust_addressNum_CNT = @Cust_addressNum_CNT, @Cust_ZipCode_CNT = @Cust_ZipCode_CNT, @Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT = @Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT,

    @Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT = @Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT, @Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT = @Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT, @Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG = @Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG,

    @Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT = @Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT, @Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT = @Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT, @Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT = @Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT,

    @Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG = @Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG, @FIN_FinanceInvest_CD = @FIN_FinanceInvest_CD, @COL_CollateralType_CD = @COL_CollateralType_CD,

    @COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT = @COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT, @COL_SavingAccount_AMT = @COL_SavingAccount_AMT, @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT = @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT,

    @COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT = @COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT, @COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT = @COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT, @COL_Ishtalmut_AMT = @COL_Ishtalmut_AMT,

    @COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT = @COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT, @COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT = @COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT, @Cust_BankDeposit_CD = @Cust_BankDeposit_CD,

    @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD = @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD, @Cust_BankWithdraw_CD = @Cust_BankWithdraw_CD, @Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD = @Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD,

    @Cust_Active_Status_FLG = @Cust_Active_Status_FLG, @Cust_Active_Status_FLG = @Cust_Active_Status_FLG, @Dirug = @Dirug


    where where where i am going wrong.... :unsure:

  • what kind of error you are getting? in both of your versions ?

    Btw, In your 1st version (Assuming there is no typo why copy t-sql) you have syntax errors.

  • the first version is a guess, more or less, when i run the second version i get

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near 'Finiti'.

    i do have syntax error, otherwise it would be working :crying: :crying: :crying:

  • It looks as though you're also going to have problems when handling strings / varchar() fields - you've not wrapped the values in quotes, so you'll generate an insert statement like:

    INSERT INTO tablename (CompanyName) VALUES (Fortnum & Snellgrove);

    which isn't going to work.

    Look at using the QUOTENAME function when building your string:

    D ECLARE @CompanyName varchar(40) = 'Fortnum & Snellgrove')

    D ECLARE @SQL varchar(max) = ''

    S ELECT @SQL = 'INSERT INTO tablename (CompanyName) VALUES (' + QUOTENAME(@CompanyName, '''') + ');'

    That will generate code that should work. (Once you've corrected the first word of each line here - poxy proxy server overheats if I send in too much T-SQL in an answer...)

    Be aware of possible SQL Injection attacks too. And if you want to get really paranoid (which you should), then check out Alex Kuznetsov's book "Defensive Database Programming", available at the Redgate Bookstore as a free download (well, free-ish - I think you might have to provide your email address...)

    Thomas Rushton
    blog: https://thelonedba.wordpress.com

  • astrid 69000 (7/20/2016)

    the first version is a guess, more or less, when i run the second version i get

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near 'Finiti'.

    i do have syntax error, otherwise it would be working :crying: :crying: :crying:

    i recommend that you use the second version, as in 1st version you will have to CAST each variable into NVARCHAR to complete the query.

    Now your 2nd version, you need to send the list of Param to sp_executesql in order to execute it. Like below.


    If you are using a Parameters Dynamic Query you should never type cast it in your dynamic query.

    alter procedure insert_data_extendedmodel_sp

    @UserName varchar (50)

    ,@CompanyName varchar (50)

    ,@IP varchar (50)

    ,@AP_Customer_ID int

    ,@AP_Application_ID int

    ,@BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_CurrentLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT int

    ,@BH_LegalIndex_FLG int

    ,@BH_LoanRefuse_FLG int

    ,@LO_LoanRequest_AMT float

    ,@LO_LoanObjective_CD int

    ,@LO_LoanPeriod_CNT int

    ,@LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD int

    ,@Cust_Age_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Gender int

    ,@Cust_MaritalStatus_CD int

    ,@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Education_CD int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentType_CD int

    ,@Cust_WorkType_CD int

    ,@Cust_City_CD int

    ,@Cust_Street_CD int

    ,@Cust_addressNum_CNT int

    ,@Cust_ZipCode_CNT int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT int

    ,@Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG int

    ,@Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT float

    ,@Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT float

    ,@Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT float

    ,@Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG int

    ,@FIN_FinanceInvest_CD int

    ,@COL_CollateralType_CD int

    ,@COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccount_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT datetime

    ,@COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_Ishtalmut_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT datetime

    ,@Cust_BankDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BankWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_Active_Status_FLG int

    ,@Dirug varchar(5)



    declare @TableName nvarchar(200), @sqlquery nvarchar(max)

    select @TableName = name from sys.objects where type = 'u' and name = @CompanyName

    set @sqlquery = 'insert into ' + cast(@TableName as nvarchar(max)) + ' (

    [UserName], [CompanyName],, [ModelType], [AP_Customer_ID], [AP_Application_ID], [BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT], [BH_CurrentLoans_CNT], [BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT]

    , [BH_LegalIndex_FLG], [BH_LoanRefuse_FLG], [LO_LoanRequest_AMT], [LO_LoanObjective_CD], [LO_LoanPeriod_CNT], [LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD], [Cust_Age_CNT]

    , [Cust_Gender], [Cust_MaritalStatus_CD], [Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT], [Cust_Education_CD], [Cust_EmploymentType_CD], [Cust_WorkType_CD], [Cust_City_CD]

    , [Cust_Street_CD], [Cust_addressNum_CNT], [Cust_ZipCode_CNT], [Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT], [Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT], [Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT]

    , [Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG], [Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT], [Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT], [Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT], [Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG]

    , [FIN_FinanceInvest_CD], [COL_CollateralType_CD], [COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT], [COL_SavingAccount_AMT], [COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT], [COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT]

    , [COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT], [COL_Ishtalmut_AMT], [COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT], [COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT], [Cust_BankDeposit_CD], [Cust_BranchDeposit_CD]

    , [Cust_BankWithdraw_CD], [Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD], [Cust_Active_Status_FLG], [Dirug]


    values (

    @UserName, @CompanyName, @IP, ''1'', @AP_Customer_ID, @AP_Application_ID, @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT, @BH_CurrentLoans_CNT, @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT

    , @BH_LegalIndex_FLG, @BH_LoanRefuse_FLG, @LO_LoanRequest_AMT, @LO_LoanObjective_CD, @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT, @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD, @Cust_Age_CNT

    , @Cust_Gender, @Cust_MaritalStatus_CD, @Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT, @Cust_Education_CD, @Cust_EmploymentType_CD, @Cust_WorkType_CD, @Cust_City_CD

    , @Cust_Street_CD, @Cust_addressNum_CNT, @Cust_ZipCode_CNT, @Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT, @Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT, @Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT

    , @Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG, @Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT, @Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT, @Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT, @Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG

    , @FIN_FinanceInvest_CD, @COL_CollateralType_CD, @COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT, @COL_SavingAccount_AMT, @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT, @COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT

    , @COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT, @COL_Ishtalmut_AMT, @COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT, @COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT, @Cust_BankDeposit_CD

    , @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD, @Cust_BankWithdraw_CD, @Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD, @Cust_Active_Status_FLG, @Dirug


    PRINT @sqlquery

    exec sp_executesql @stmt = @sqlquery, @param =


    @UserName varchar (50)

    ,@CompanyName varchar (50)

    ,@IP varchar (50)

    ,@AP_Customer_ID int

    ,@AP_Application_ID int

    ,@BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_CurrentLoans_CNT int

    ,@BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT int

    ,@BH_LegalIndex_FLG int

    ,@BH_LoanRefuse_FLG int

    ,@LO_LoanRequest_AMT float

    ,@LO_LoanObjective_CD int

    ,@LO_LoanPeriod_CNT int

    ,@LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD int

    ,@Cust_Age_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Gender int

    ,@Cust_MaritalStatus_CD int

    ,@Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT int

    ,@Cust_Education_CD int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentType_CD int

    ,@Cust_WorkType_CD int

    ,@Cust_City_CD int

    ,@Cust_Street_CD int

    ,@Cust_addressNum_CNT int

    ,@Cust_ZipCode_CNT int

    ,@Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT int

    ,@Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT float

    ,@Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG int

    ,@Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT float

    ,@Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT float

    ,@Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT float

    ,@Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG int

    ,@FIN_FinanceInvest_CD int

    ,@COL_CollateralType_CD int

    ,@COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccount_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT datetime

    ,@COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT float

    ,@COL_Ishtalmut_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT float

    ,@COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT datetime

    ,@Cust_BankDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchDeposit_CD int

    ,@Cust_BankWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD int

    ,@Cust_Active_Status_FLG int

    ,@Dirug varchar(5)



    @UserName = @UserName

    , @CompanyName = @CompanyName

    , @IP = @IP

    , @AP_Customer_ID = @AP_Customer_ID

    , @AP_Application_ID = @AP_Application_ID

    , @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT = @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT

    , @BH_CurrentLoans_CNT = @BH_CurrentLoans_CNT

    , @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT = @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT

    , @BH_LegalIndex_FLG = @BH_LegalIndex_FLG

    , @BH_LoanRefuse_FLG = @BH_LoanRefuse_FLG

    , @LO_LoanRequest_AMT = @LO_LoanRequest_AMT

    , @LO_LoanObjective_CD = @LO_LoanObjective_CD

    , @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT = @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT

    , @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD = @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD

    , @Cust_Age_CNT = @Cust_Age_CNT

    , @Cust_Gender = @Cust_Gender

    , @Cust_MaritalStatus_CD = @Cust_MaritalStatus_CD

    , @Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT = @Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT

    , @Cust_Education_CD = @Cust_Education_CD

    , @Cust_EmploymentType_CD = @Cust_EmploymentType_CD

    , @Cust_WorkType_CD = @Cust_WorkType_CD

    , @Cust_City_CD = @Cust_City_CD

    , @Cust_Street_CD = @Cust_Street_CD

    , @Cust_addressNum_CNT = @Cust_addressNum_CNT

    , @Cust_ZipCode_CNT = @Cust_ZipCode_CNT

    , @Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT = @Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT

    , @Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT = @Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT

    , @Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT = @Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT

    , @Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG = @Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG

    , @Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT = @Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT

    , @Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT = @Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT

    , @Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT = @Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT

    , @Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG = @Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG

    , @FIN_FinanceInvest_CD = @FIN_FinanceInvest_CD

    , @COL_CollateralType_CD = @COL_CollateralType_CD

    , @COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT = @COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT

    , @COL_SavingAccount_AMT = @COL_SavingAccount_AMT

    , @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT = @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT

    , @COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT = @COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT

    , @COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT = @COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT

    , @COL_Ishtalmut_AMT = @COL_Ishtalmut_AMT

    , @COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT = @COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT

    , @COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT = @COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT

    , @Cust_BankDeposit_CD = @Cust_BankDeposit_CD

    , @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD = @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD

    , @Cust_BankWithdraw_CD = @Cust_BankWithdraw_CD

    , @Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD = @Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD

    , @Cust_Active_Status_FLG = @Cust_Active_Status_FLG

    , @Dirug = @Dirug


    hope it helps.

  • the insert into is working, that is not my issue, the values is the issue, i am having issues passing them, and still getting the same error :w00t:

  • astrid 69000 (7/20/2016)

    the insert into is working, that is not my issue, the values is the issue, i am having issues passing them, and still getting the same error :w00t:

    Share your SP execution script. This is the sample execution which i passed the SP and its working properly.

    exec insert_data_extendedmodel_sp

    @UserName = 'twin.devil'

    , @CompanyName = 'Finiti'

    , @IP = ''

    , @AP_Customer_ID = 1

    , @AP_Application_ID = 10

    , @BH_PastCompletedLoans_CNT = 11

    , @BH_CurrentLoans_CNT = 12

    , @BH_PastdueMaxNumRefuse_CNT = 13

    , @BH_LegalIndex_FLG = 1

    , @BH_LoanRefuse_FLG = 1

    , @LO_LoanRequest_AMT = 14

    , @LO_LoanObjective_CD = 15

    , @LO_LoanPeriod_CNT = 16

    , @LO_LoanAmortSchedule_CD = 17

    , @Cust_Age_CNT = 18

    , @Cust_Gender = 1

    , @Cust_MaritalStatus_CD = 19

    , @Cust_Num_Child_22_Below_CNT = 20

    , @Cust_Education_CD = 21

    , @Cust_EmploymentType_CD = 22

    , @Cust_WorkType_CD = 23

    , @Cust_City_CD = 24

    , @Cust_Street_CD = 25

    , @Cust_addressNum_CNT = 26

    , @Cust_ZipCode_CNT = 27

    , @Cust_EmploymentSeniority_CNT = 28

    , @Fin_CustNetIncome_AMT = 29

    , @Fin_HouseholdNetIncome_AMT = 30

    , @Fin_ResidenceOwnership_FLG = 31

    , @Fin_Residential_Lease_AMT = 32

    , @Fin_Residential_Mortgage_AMT = 33

    , @Fin_OtherLoansPayMonthly_AMT = 34

    , @Fin_CreditCardOwnership_FLG = 35

    , @FIN_FinanceInvest_CD = 36

    , @COL_CollateralType_CD = 37

    , @COL_SavingAccountMonthly_AMT = 38

    , @COL_SavingAccount_AMT = 39

    , @COL_SavingAccountLiq_AMT = 40

    , @COL_SavingAccountLiq_DT = '2016-01-01'

    , @COL_IshtalmutMonthly_AMT = 42

    , @COL_Ishtalmut_AMT = 43

    , @COL_IshtalmutLiq_AMT = 44

    , @COL_IshtalmutLiq_DT = '2016-01-31'

    , @Cust_BankDeposit_CD = 1

    , @Cust_BranchDeposit_CD = 2

    , @Cust_BankWithdraw_CD = 3

    , @Cust_BranchWithdraw_CD = 4

    , @Cust_Active_Status_FLG = 5

    , @Dirug = 'abc'

  • My question would be... if all of these tables look the same and the only difference is the company that uses them, why use separate tables? You already have CompanyName stored in the table to identify rows.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I agree with Jeff, that if you have company name (or a company number integer) as part of the table, then you can just use one table and identify the company you want in your query's where clause. But I have seen a situation where identical databases were kept separate because of a contractual requirement. (One client insisted that its data not be mingled in a common database.) To permit that we had virtually identical code for each database.

    If you have all the tables with slightly different names, you are going to have to use dynamic SQL for all your queries.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Hi,

    sorry for the delay, i think i was having a type or something cause i did run the code again and it works now.

    the issue with using a company id, is not only i am not very strong (understatement lol) on dynamic query and everything there runs on it, but also i need to write the project on c# and there i know even less hahahahah.

    thanks so much!!! i will still now and try to process it all.

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