Dynamic query parameter conversion

  • Hi

    I'm trying to execute a dynamic query which takes (or should take) a bigint value to filter the results.

    Essentially the query is...

    DECALRE @sqlStr varchar(8000)
    DECLARE @PrincipalId bigint
    SET @PrincipalId = 4

    SET @sqlStr = N'
    SELECT BrandName, Date, Spend
    FROM [dbo].[myView]
    WHERE PrincipalId = ' + @PrincipalId + ')


    PrincipalId is a bigint int in my table. The error i'm getting is Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.


  • spin - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 3:22 AM


    I'm trying to execute a dynamic query which takes (or should take) a bigint value to filter the results.

    Essentially the query is...

    DECALRE @sqlStr varchar(8000)
    DECLARE @PrincipalId bigint
    SET @PrincipalId = 4

    SET @sqlStr = N'
    SELECT BrandName, Date, Spend
    FROM [dbo].[myView]
    WHERE PrincipalId = ' + @PrincipalId + ')


    PrincipalId is a bigint int in my table. The error i'm getting is Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.


    You should not be injecting your variables directly into the string for execution, as this opens you up to SQL injection attacks.
    A better method to exec dynamic SQL is as follows
    DECLARE @sqlStr  varchar(8000);
    DECLARE @PrincipalId bigint;
    SET @PrincipalId = 4

    SET @sqlStr = '
    SELECT BrandName, Date, Spend
    FROM [dbo].[myView]
    WHERE PrincipalId = @PrincipalId';

    EXECUTE sys.sp_executesql
          @stmt = @sqlStr
         , @params = N'@PrincipalId bigint'
         , @PrincipalId = @PrincipalId;

  • spin - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 3:22 AM


    I'm trying to execute a dynamic query which takes (or should take) a bigint value to filter the results.

    Essentially the query is...

    DECALRE @sqlStr varchar(8000)
    DECLARE @PrincipalId bigint
    SET @PrincipalId = 4

    SET @sqlStr = N'
    SELECT BrandName, Date, Spend
    FROM [dbo].[myView]
    WHERE PrincipalId = ' + @PrincipalId + ')


    PrincipalId is a bigint int in my table. The error i'm getting is Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.


    If you insist on building the string dynamically, you need to explicitly cast your int variable to a string
    DECLARE @sqlStr varchar(8000)
    DECLARE @PrincipalId bigint
    SET @PrincipalId = 4

    SET @sqlStr = '
    SELECT BrandName, Date, Spend
    FROM [dbo].[myView]
    WHERE PrincipalId = ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), @PrincipalId);


  • I thought I was avoiding injection by having an SSRS drop down but have now changed the query to your suggestions. 

    Thanks Des

    ** and by the way, it's working as expected. cheers

  • Hi

    Just one thing, if you can help. How would i adjust the script to include a like statement instead of an =?

    so, something like...
    AND PrincipalId like ''% @PrincipalId %''

    The reason behind it is I'd like the user to either select <All> or just one Principal


  • spin - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 6:18 AM


    Just one thing, if you can help. How would i adjust the script to include a like statement instead of an =?

    so, something like...
    AND PrincipalId like ''% @PrincipalId %''

    The reason behind it is I'd like the user to either select <All> or just one Principal


    I am not sure how you plan to convert the BIGINT to an ALL indicator. 
    LIKE is for string comparisons, not numerics

  • Hi

    I know, i've tried converting everything to varchar(6) (even the principalid in the underlying table) and all i get is an empty recordset returned.


  • spin - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 8:09 AM


    I know, i've tried converting everything to varchar(6) (even the principalid in the underlying table) and all i get is an empty recordset returned.


    Try changing:
    print @sqlStr
    Then when you run it just paste the output of the print into SSMS and see why it's not returning anything.

  • spin - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 4:34 AM

    I thought I was avoiding injection by having an SSRS drop down but have now changed the query to your suggestions. 

    Thanks Des

    ** and by the way, it's working as expected. cheers

    There is no reason for you to build a dynamic query - create a stored procedure with the parameter(s) and just pass the parameters.  There are many ways to setup the 'all' parameter...the problem with most of them is that they may not generate an optimal plan.  Example:

    -- If you pass in a -1 reset to NULL for ALL
    SET @PrincipalID = iif(@PrincipalID = -1, Null, @PrincipalID);

    -- In the where clause, check the parameter
    WHERE (PrincipalID = @PrincipalID Or @PrincipalID Is Null)

    There are known problems with this approach - but you need to test and validate the performance yourself.  Another way is to use a range:

    -- Get min/max values
    SELECT @minValue = min(PrincipalID), @maxValue = max(PrincipalID) FROM yourPrincipalTable;

    WHERE @PrincipalID BETWEEN coalesce(@PrincipalID, @minValue) AND coalesce(@PrincipalID, @maxValue)

    For this one - if the passed in parameter is -1 you set it to NULL and then use the min/max values.  Again, test and validate performance...

    Depending on how complex the actual query is - these techniques may not work...if that is the case then you can use dynamic SQL and sp_executeSql to build the appropriate query.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • spin - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 4:34 AM

    I thought I was avoiding injection by having an SSRS drop down but have now changed the query to your suggestions. 

    Thanks Des

    ** and by the way, it's working as expected. cheers

    You are actually creating the opportunity for injection. 

    If this is an SSRS report, there are a number of ways to handle this.  

    The first question I have is why are you passing in a list of columns dynamically?  If the format of the report is such that, depending upon the values of the parameters, there may or may not be values in columns, then show or hide the columns in SSRS by using a formula. Test for the value or the parm, or the existence of the value in a column, and show or hide as appropriate.  If you are trying to create a dynamic report, then you may be working a bit too hard.  Unless there are an unlimited number of possibilities (there usually are not!), create separate reports. 

    Multi-select parameters are passed in as comma-separated lists by default in SSRS.  You can parse these lists and use them in any number of manners in the proc. 

    I suggest you read up on sp_ExecuteSQL, and use that to dynamically build your queries. 
    Here are some links:

    Michael L John
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  • Hi

    the reason behind the dynamic query is I'm trying to create a pivot based on a start/end date but I want to create columns for dates where there are no values and found this script which creates my date columns. (apologies, I can't remember the source)

    DECLARE @dtStart date
    DECLARE @dtEnd date

    SET @dtStart = '2019-01-01'
    SET @dtEnd = '2019-12-31'

    -- drop the temp date table if it exists
        IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempDates') IS NOT NULL 
            DROP TABLE #tempDates

    -- select into a #temp table the list of dates that you want to turn to columns
        ;with cte (fcStart, fcEnd) as
            SELECT DISTINCT [FirstDayOfMonth] fcStart, [LastDayOfMonth] fcEnd FROM [dbo].[DateTable] d WHERE Date between @dtStart and @dtEnd
            union all
            SELECT dateadd(MM, 1, fcStart), fcEnd FROM cte WHERE fcStart < fcEnd
        SELECT c.fcStart, @dtStart StartDate, @dtEnd EndDate INTO #tempDates FROM cte c WHERE fcEnd < @dtEnd

    -- generate the dynamic column range
        select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(convert(CHAR(10), fcStart, 120)) from #tempDates
                    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'')

    I this then get passed in as dynamic columns to the pivot query...

    -- build the dynamic SQL query

    set @sqlStr = '
        SELECT PrincipalName,  ' + @cols + '
        from (
       SELECT PrincipalName, DailySpend, convert(CHAR(10), fcStart, 120) PivotDate
       FROM (select distinct * from #tempdates) d
            LEFT JOIN (
                    SELECT PrincipalName, [Date], [FirstDayOfMonth], [LastDayOfMonth], DailySpend
                    FROM [dbo].[MyTable] s
                    WHERE s.Date BETWEEN @dtStart AND @dtEnd
                    AND PrincipalId = @PrincipalId
                ) b on d.fcStart between b.[FirstDayOfMonth] and b.[LastDayOfMonth]
       ) x
      PIVOT (SUM([DailySpend]) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ')) p
        ORDER BY PrincipalName

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