dynamic sql?

  • revised:

    I have an SQL query that looks like this:

    the only thing in these queries that is different is the month parameter, is there any way to make this entire query dynamic so I don't have to create 2 seperate queries if YTD (year to date) is 0 but still have the data come out like it is? Is there a way to make the where clause dynamic in general?

    if @YTD = 0


    select x.salesYr, x.Group from (select salesYr,

    CommericalSales = ISNULL((Select (SUM(Sales) from tblsSales where group = 'Commercial' and salesYear = y.SalesYear and salesMonth <= @month and Pending = @PendingDeals)),0),

    ResSales = = ISNULL((Select (SUM(Sales) from tblsSales where group = 'Res' and salesYear = y.SalesYear and salesMonth <= @month and Pending = @PendingDeals)),0)

    from tblSales y where

    salesYr in (@CYear, @PYear)

    Group By salesYear) as x



    select x.salesYr, x.Group from (select salesYr,

    CommericalSales = ISNULL((Select (SUM(Sales) from tblsSales where group = 'Commercial' and salesYear = y.SalesYear and salesMonth = @month and Pending = @PendingDeals)),0),

    ResSales = = ISNULL((Select (SUM(Sales) from tblsSales where group = 'Res' and salesYear = y.SalesYear and salesMonth = @month and Pending = @PendingDeals)),0)

    from tblSales y where

    salesYr in (@CYear, @PYear)

    Group By salesYear) as x


  • select x.salesYr, x.Group from (select salesYr,

    CommericalSales = ISNULL((Select (SUM(Sales) from tblsSales where group = 'Commercial' and salesYear = y.SalesYear

    and ( salesMonth 0 )

    and Pending = @PendingDeals)),0),

    ResSales = = ISNULL((Select (SUM(Sales) from tblsSales where group = 'Res' and salesYear = y.SalesYear and salesMonth <= @month and Pending = @PendingDeals)),0)

    from tblSales y where

    salesYr in (@CYear, @PYear)

    Group By salesYear) as x

    You may use the logic like in the bolded part of the code.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • salesMonth 0

    The bolded code should be like this. For whatever reason the forum's editor messed up the code when it got posted.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • salesMonth lessorequal @month and YTD = 0 OR salesMonth = @month and YTD notequal 0


    I am having problems with posting the correct code so I used words lessorequal and notequal instead of the operators

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

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