Dynamic SQL

  • I have Dynamic Sql like this:

    declare @CountryName varchar(20),

    @Sql varchar(1000)

    set @Sql = 'SELECT '+ @CountryName = + 'nation_e_name FROM T_NationCode

    WHERE nation_code = 82'

    exec (@Sql)

    print 'is: ' + @@CountryName

    The above print statement results space value for @CountryName, it means

    nothing selected into variable @CountryName.

    How can i get country name populated into variable @CountryName using

    Dynamic SQL?

    Pl. let me know

  • Hi,

    maybe this one will help you


    If you need to use dynamic SQL you should really use sp_executeSQL. This will give you a chance of reusable execution plans.

    Btw, in addition there is also a typo

    print 'is: ' +@@CountryName should be read

    print 'is: ' +@CountryName



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • HI,

    Please find the example below, hope this helps.



    declare @RECORDCNT int

    declare @TABLE char(100)

    declare @cmd Nvarchar(100)

    -- Set the table to be used

    set @TABLE = '[ORDERS]'

    -- Build the dynamic T-SQL command

    SET @CMD = 'select @RECORDCNT=count(*) from ' + @TABLE

    -- Call the sp_executesql SP to return the record count for @TABLE variable

    exec sp_executesql @CMD,N'@RECORDCNT int out, @TABLE char(100)',@RECORDCNT out , @TABLE

    -- Display the number of records

    print @RECORDCNT


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