Dynamic Sql based on Parameter in SSRS

  • hello all

    i am working on report where there are two parameter

    Report can be pulled with one value or both

    region is one parameter, employee name

    1.user should be able to pull all details in a particular region.

    2. user should be able to pull with both combination

    please let me know how to in corporate in the sql statement in the dataset

  • Hi

    You could try setting defaults on each of your report parameters. Set the default parameter value to '%' , your WHERE clause would then look something like this:

    WHERE region LIKE @report_parameter1 AND employee LIKE @report_parameter2

  • or pass a NULL for the employee parameter and do:

    WHERE region = @region and (employee = @employee or @employee is null)

  • Why not use something like this:

    ="Select * FROM blablabla WHERE" + IIF(@region = null, " (employee = " + @employee + ")", IIF(@employee = null, " region = " + @region , " region = " + @region + " and (employee = " + @employee + ")"))

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