dynamic sql in a function

  • Hello to every one,

    I have two parameters

    @param1 = dbname.username.table_name

    @param2= value

    Is there any way that I pass these two parameters to a function and return a bit value either 0 or 1 based on the given @param2 value.



  • Assuming you want to do something like select Aval from the table var where fld = second parm, the answer is no. You cannot use dynamic sql in a function.

  • SriSun (3/20/2008)

    Hello to every one,

    I have two parameters

    @param1 = dbname.username.table_name

    @param2= value

    Is there any way that I pass these two parameters to a function and return a bit value either 0 or 1 based on the given @param2 value.



    While not 100% sure what you would like to return (does a particular column contain the value? Is there a column with this name? ...) you could use a stored procedure with dynamic SQL, but not a function.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • You can only do this in a CLR function.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • There are a couple of options that could work, but it depends on your {param2}. Could you please provide an example of {param2}?


  • Hi All,

    This is one of the example code.

    create table dbo.employee(ename nvarchar(32))

    insert dbo.employee values('Sri')

    insert dbo.employee values('Mike')

    declare @tablename nvarchar(128), @column_name nvarchar(32), @value nvarchar(32)

    declare @emp_status bit

    select @tablename = 'dbo.employee' @column_name = 'ename', @value = 'Sri'

    set @emp_status = 0

    select @emp_status = dbo.fn_does_employee_exists(@tablename,@column_name,@value)

    print @emp_status

  • SriSun (3/25/2008)

    Hi All,

    This is one of the example code.

    create table dbo.employee(ename nvarchar(32))

    insert dbo.employee values('Sri')

    insert dbo.employee values('Mike')

    declare @tablename nvarchar(128), @column_name nvarchar(32), @value nvarchar(32)

    declare @emp_status bit

    select @tablename = 'dbo.employee' @column_name = 'ename', @value = 'Sri'

    set @emp_status = 0

    select @emp_status = dbo.fn_does_employee_exists(@tablename,@column_name,@value)

    print @emp_status

    Well, as mentioned, you cannot do this with a function. Not even CLR. However, you can use a stored procedure like:

    CREATE PROC dbo.fn_does_employee_exists

    ( @tablename sysname

    , @column_name sysname

    , @value NVARCHAR(32)

    , @returnvalue BIT OUTPUT)




    SET @q = 'select 1 AS a from ' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) + ' where '

    + QUOTENAME(@column_name) + ' = N''' + @value + ''''

    CREATE TABLE #foo ( a bit )

    INSERT #foo

    EXEC ( @q )


    @returnvalue = a

    FROM #foo

    DROP TABLE #foo


    To call it:

    DECLARE @tablename NVARCHAR(128)

    , @column_name NVARCHAR(32)

    , @value NVARCHAR(32)

    DECLARE @emp_status BIT

    SELECT @tablename = 'employee'

    , @column_name = 'ename'

    , @value = 'Sri'

    DECLARE @ret BIT

    EXECUTE dbo.fn_does_employee_exists @tablename, @column_name, @value,

    @ret OUTPUT

    PRINT @ret

    Still not sure why this is needed though 🙂 Performance wise, if you could, avoid dynamic SQL.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • If you will always be checking the same table, then there is a way to create a function to check a particular passed in column for a particular passed in value. In the 'WHERE' clause, you will be using a case statement for each column in the table.

    here is what the function would look like for a table (Employees) that contains Fields: EmpId, First, Middle, Last.

    create function fn_FindValue (@vcColumn varchar(25), @vcValue varchar(50))

    returns tinyint



    declare @ICT int

    select @ICT = CT

    from (select count(*) AS CT

    from Employees

    where EmpId = CASE WHEN @vcColumn = 'EmpId' THEN @vcValue ELSE EmpId END

    and First = CASE WHEN @vcColumn = 'First' THEN @vcValue ELSE First END

    and Middle = CASE WHEN @vcColumn = 'Middle' THEN @vcValue ELSE Middle END

    and Last = CASE WHEN @vcColumn = 'Last' THEN @vcValue ELSE Last END) a

    IF @ICT > 0

    RETURN 1


    RETURN 0


    Dave Novak

  • Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions.

    Final question:

    There are lots of scenarios at my work where I have to use this type of code, so I wrote procedures instead of functions (which is not allowed).

    My only concerned here was, is the stored procedure has same performance level as function.



  • I think the big concern is that the way you would use this would force single-row processing, which in SQL server is VERY inefficient. That is often enough why functions are "banned".

    Given how you intend to use it, on SQL's standard, wrapping it as a SP will be no more or less efficient than your function (if you were to not make it a dynamic SQL scenario), since you're removing its ability to operate on a set. You'd be much better off building this into an EXISTS construct in the actual query you're using - you'd see a lot of gain for doing it that way instead of one row at a time (or "RBAR" as we call that around here: Row By Agonizing Row).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I don't use these functions in a set based queires, only used for verification purposes/pre-checks.

    Thanks guys, thanks miller.


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