Dynamic SQL in an SSRS report's Dataset

  • In Reporting Svces 2005, I'm trying to adjust a WHERE clause dynamically based on a user-passed parameter. I keep getting errors with the syntax no matter what I try, and I've pulled too much of my hair out at this point, and I need another set of eyes.

    I have a total of three parameters for the user to input, @PhysUnit and @Categories, which are both multi-value parameters, and @Post, which only allows one entry and is the one that I need too look at to determine part of my dataset's WHERE clause.

    The sql I have in the dataset right now is:


    ="SELECT *

    FROM vw_RoosterFldTotals

    WHERE Cat IN (@Categories) AND Unit IN(@PhysUnit)"

    & IIF(Parameters!Post.Value="Vacant Only"," AND [Staff]='Vacant' ",IF(Parameters!Post.Value="Exclude Vacancies"," AND [Staff]<>'Vacant' "," "))


    So I'm trying to dynamically append an AND condition to my existing WHERE clause.

    All I'm getting for an error message is a .NetSQlClient Data Provider message saying "Incorrect syntax Line 1 near "=". I've tried eliminating the equals sign, and I've tried changing all quotes to single quotes. Nothing's helping me. I've even tried putting underscores at the end of each line to suggest I'm wrapping to the next line. That didn't help, either.

    And to make matters worse, Visual Studio is changing my double quotes to square brackets after giving me each error message.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks much,

    -Ed H.

  • I 've built a little test report with this query and got the following error:

    [rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The CommandText expression for the query ‘Test’ contains an error: [BC30201] Expressie wordt verwacht. (An expression is expected, PB)

    Changing the second IF function to IIF solved the problem.


  • I am also facing same issue ...

    Has anyone solve this problem ?

    Thanks in advance.:cool:

  • Try just what is given below. no =, no ", no nothing, just the one below.

    SELECT * FROM vw_RoosterFldTotals

    WHERE Cat IN (@Categories) AND Unit IN(@PhysUnit)


    ((@Post = 'Vacant Only' and Staff = 'Vacant') or

    (@Post = 'Exclude Vacancies' and Staff 'Vacant'))

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