Dynamic sql to be put in a table

  • Hi,

    I hav a SP called with 4 params, then the SP executes another SP using EXEC sp_executesql as follows :

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,


       @CompanyCode, @RefClient, @sCurrency, @RefArticle, @sTableName, @CustomerGroup, @CustomerType

    This SP returns 10 fields, what IO, need to do is to put it results in a table or another record set inside the procedure in order to return 3 fields.

    Thanks in advance



  • Not sure from your description of the problem but I think an INSERT statement would probably do... since you didn't mention which 3 parameters you wanted to save nor which table name, I'll make some up.

    INSERT INTO tablename (fieldname1,fieldname2,fieldname3)
    VALUES (@variable1,@variable2,@variable3)

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  • Hi, thanks for your response. The insert is done inside the the SP2 as foolows

    SP1 is called with ther 4 params

    SP1 'C', 'TEST', 'fdfdfd', 'myTableName',

    As you can see the 4th one is a table name.

    Inside this SP, the call to SP2 is done through the dynamic SQL which it's 4th param is a table. Inside this procedure 2 # are appended to this name and the insert operation is done inside this one. Then there is a "select * from ##myTableName" which returns a recordset in the calling SP which is SP1.

    It is this recordset I need to reduce from 10 to 3 fields. So my question in clear is it possible to assign the result of my dynamic call to a table then manipulate this table in SP1

    Thanks again

  • Let me be more clear and accurate so you get the image, here is the problem :

    Sp1 :

    Create SP1




    @V4 = 'tempTable' (assigned dynami cally, each call this is changed)


    Declare @V5

    Declare @V6

    --do somerthings and then calls SP as follows

    exec SP2 @V1, @V2, @V3,@V4,@V5, @V6


    SP2 :

     takes the six paramas do some queries and populates à temporary table (part of his name is @V4),

     so if the name I gave was equal to tempTable

     In the sql operation the tablename used is ##tempTable which contains 10 fileds

     --it returns back the content of the temporary table as follows

     Select * from ####tempTable

    So SP1 will have a recordset with 10 fileds which I need to manipulate and choose 3 out of those 10 fields. I don't want to send the whole bunch in the recordset

    Maybe you will ask why don't you populate only 3 fields, the answer is I am obliged to use a central SP which I cannot modify. so the constraint is I should have this 10 fields in the recordset which I don't fuly need

    I hope I was clear

  • does this help you ?


    create proc sp1



    CREATE TABLE #who (

     spid int primary key,

     ecid int,

     status varchar(30),

     loginame varchar(128),

     hostname varchar(128),

     blk int,

     dbname varchar(128),

     cmd varchar(16)


    insert into #who

    exec sp_who

    select spid, cmd from #who



    exec sp1

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  • Hi and thanks the idea is exactly what I want to do, however, the sp you use is called without parameters. The one I should call is omething like that

    create proc sp2

    Create table  ##testCopy (nCount integer, 

         ManfSKU varchar(35), 

         Desc varchar(50), 

         SL integer, 

         Priceb decimal(10, 2), 

         cePromo decimal(10, 2), 

         Web decimal(10, 2), 

         ce decimal(10, 2), 

         tockDelExp datetime, 

         odSKU varchar(35), 

         odDesc1 varchar(180), 

         endDesc varchar(50), 

         ExtDesc varchar(180),

         fC_StockDelQty integer, 

         odType varchar(2), PGMajor_Price varchar(8),

         PROD_PGMinor_Price varchar(3), 

         tDesc varchar(50), 

         tt char(2), 

         Obso bit, 

         Sens bit, 

         lium char(6),

         it bit,

         cIsET bit,

         fcomo char(1) )

    Insert Into ##testCopy

    exec mySP 'C ', @Var1, 'EUR', 1, '  AND ITEM = ''ML0058'' ', @var2, ' ORDER BY  PROD_DESC1 ASC , STOC_QUANTITY_AVAILABLE DESC ', '0', '11', '   ', 'P1', ' ORDER BY  ockLevel Desc , fc_CatDesc ASC '

    So I need, if I not mistaken to do a dynamic sql in order to execute mySP with variables.

    Of course when executed with hard coded values it works fine

    Thanks for any idea

  • Problem solved, thansk so much. I might write an article about it

  • I might write an article about it

    You might consider reading one first

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Hi,  wonderfull articl, however, I read haif of it. I will let you know my opinion about it as soon as I finish

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