Dynamic where clause

  • Hi,

    I have a situation where i have to execute either of the

    below two select's based on a parameter.

    If @VarName = 'Red', first query has to be executed else second query.

    --Declare @VarName varchar(40)

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where col3 = 'Red'

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where col3 <> 'Red'

    Any thoughts on this please.


  • Try this

    declare @Color varchar(10)

    Set @Color = 'yellow'


    with redcte as (select 'red' as one,'red' as two,'red' as three from sys.tables

    union all

    select 'yellow' as one,'yellow' as two,'yellow' as three from sys.tables)

    select one,two from redcte

    where three like (case @Color when 'red' then 'red' else @Color end)

    I used the CTE in order to create a result set. Just substitute your table for that of the cte

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • An alternative would be to use dynamic sql to create your statements and then execute the statement that is necessary.

    Another alternative would be to use an if/else statement.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Dynamic Query will be helpful...

    Declare @vsql varchar(1000)

    Declare @VarName varchar(1000)

    Set @VarName = 'RED'

    Set @vsql = 'select col1,col2 from [Table]

    where col3 ' + case when @VarName = 'RED' then ' = ' else ' <> ' end + '''RED'''

    Exec (@vSQL)

    Atif Sheikh

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  • Thanks All,

    i used If/Else to do this...

  • this will work as well

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where col3 = case when @VarName = 'red' then @VarName else col3 end

    and col3 <> case when @VarName = 'red' then '-1' else 'red' end

  • UnionAll (12/2/2009)

    Thanks All,

    i used If/Else to do this...

    In this case that is by far the best solution: simple, maintainable, and most important gets you the optimal plan for either condition of input.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • [font="Arial"]I prefer to avoid the IF/ELSE scenario for queries. Eventually, you'll have to "fix it" in two places. Plus, you open up the possibility of two different signatures (selecting different columns in the two queries), which could be problematic.

    I'd try to keep it down to one SELECT statement. Here's another option[/font]:

    Declare @VarName varchar(40)

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where (@VarName = 'Red' AND col3 = 'Red')

    OR (@VarName <> 'Red' AND col3 <> 'Red')

  • Dave Mason (12/4/2009)

    [font="Arial"]I prefer to avoid the IF/ELSE scenario for queries. Eventually, you'll have to "fix it" in two places. Plus, you open up the possibility of two different signatures (selecting different columns in the two queries), which could be problematic.

    I'd try to keep it down to one SELECT statement. Here's another option[/font]:

    Declare @VarName varchar(40)

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where (@VarName = 'Red' AND col3 = 'Red')

    OR (@VarName <> 'Red' AND col3 <> 'Red')

    That is actually the hands-down worst thing you can do. GUARANTEED to get you the WRONG plan for one or the other of the inputs, and by wrong I mean horribly inefficient. Never, ever do that type of query.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Dave Mason (12/4/2009)

    [font="Arial"]I prefer to avoid the IF/ELSE scenario for queries. Eventually, you'll have to "fix it" in two places. Plus, you open up the possibility of two different signatures (selecting different columns in the two queries), which could be problematic.

    Often multiple queries, or even multiple procedures, are the best option from a performance point of view. Yes, it's more maintenance, but if the if the single select statement takes several times the duration of the separate ones, it's not a good trade-off

    See http://sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2009/03/19/catch-all-queries/ and, to a lesser extent, http://sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2009/09/15/multiple-execution-paths/

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • i personally think this will perform the best. Simply because it is or-less. Or's hurt. Sure it may be a little hard to wrap your mind around which will hurt maintainability however it is still short and to the point.

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where col3 = case when @VarName = 'red' then @VarName else col3 end

    and col3 <> case when @VarName = 'red' then '-1' else 'red' end

  • BaldingLoopMan (12/15/2009)

    i personally think this will perform the best. Simply because it is or-less. Or's hurt. Sure it may be a little hard to wrap your mind around which will hurt maintainability however it is still short and to the point.

    select col1,col2

    from Table

    where col3 = case when @VarName = 'red' then @VarName else col3 end

    and col3 <> case when @VarName = 'red' then '-1' else 'red' end

    1) how would that work if @varname contained NULL?

    2) Did you actually TRY your query method? Here is a demonstration of it being just as bad as ORs

    use AdventureWorks

    dbcc freeproccache --careful using this on production system!

    declare @SalesPersonID int

    SET @SalesPersonID = 288 --16 rows, should do index seek and bookmark lookup for most efficient plan

    select *

    from Sales.SalesOrderHeader

    where SalesPersonID = case when @SalesPersonID = 288 then @SalesPersonID ELSE SalesPersonID END

    AND SalesPersonID <> case when @SalesPersonID = 288 then -999999 ELSE 288 END

    --this query does a full table scan with 2 scalar computes, with an estimated row count of 2831.85 after the filter, 16 rows output

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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