Dynamically "DataPumpTransformCopy" problem

  • Hi peeps,

    I have written a DTS package that exports tables configured in an ini file. I have on Transfrom Data Task, that gets executed for every configured table. I have the following script that re-assign the transformation for the Transform Data Task. This causes the Transformation Data Task to fail.


    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

    DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentObjectNumber").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentObjectNumber").Value + 1

    Dim intCurrentObjectNumber

    intCurrentObjectNumber = DTSGlobalVariables("CurrentObjectNumber").Value

    Dim intObjectCount

    intObjectCount = DTSGlobalVariables("ObjectCount").Value

    Dim arrObjectNames

    arrObjectNames = Split(DTSGlobalVariables("ObjectNames").Value, ",", intObjectCount)

    Dim strSectionName

    strSectionName = arrObjectNames(intCurrentObjectNumber)

    'get ObjectName and DestinationFileName from ini file

    Dim strObjectName

    strObjectName = GetINIString(strSectionName, "ObjectName", "", DTSGlobalVariables("ConfigurationFile").Value)

    Dim objFso

    Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Dim strDestinationFileName

    strDestinationFileName = objFso.BuildPath(DTSGlobalVariables("DestinationFolder").Value, GetINIString(strSectionName, "DestinationFileName", "", DTSGlobalVariables("ConfigurationFile").Value))

    Const DTSTransformFlag_AllowLosslessConversion = 512

    Dim objPkg

    Set objPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    Dim objDataPumpTask

    Set objDataPumpTask = objPkg.Tasks("Export Data Task").CustomTask

    Dim objDestination

    Set objDestination = objPkg.Connections("Destination Connection")

    ' remove existing transformations

    Dim intIndex

    For intIndex = objDataPumpTask.Transformations.Count to 1 step - 1

    objDataPumpTask.Transformations.Remove intIndex


    'specify new destination information

    With objDestination

    .DataSource = strDestinationFileName

    End With

    'specify new source information

    With objDataPumpTask

    .SourceObjectName = strObjectName

    .DestinationObjectName = strDestinationFileName

    End With

    'create and set transformation

    Dim objTransformation

    Set objTransformation = objDataPumpTask.Transformations.New("DTS.DataPumpTransformCopy")

    With objTransformation

    .Name = "CopyColumns"

    .TransformFlags = DTSTransformFlag_AllowLosslessConversion

    End With

    objDataPumpTask.Transformations.Add objTransformation

    Set objDataPumpTask = nothing

    Set objDestination = nothing

    Set objFso = nothing

    Set objPkg = nothing

    Set objTransformation = nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Function GetINIString(Section, KeyName, Default, FileName)

    Dim INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection, sContents, Value, Found

    'Get contents of the INI file As a string

    INIContents = GetFile(FileName)

    'Find section

    PosSection = InStr(1, INIContents, "[" & Section & "]", vbTextCompare)

    If PosSection>0 Then

    'Section exists. Find end of section

    PosEndSection = InStr(PosSection, INIContents, vbCrLf & "[")

    '?Is this last section?

    If PosEndSection = 0 Then PosEndSection = Len(INIContents)+1

    'Separate section contents

    sContents = Mid(INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection - PosSection)

    If InStr(1, sContents, vbCrLf & KeyName & "=", vbTextCompare)>0 Then

    Found = True

    'Separate value of a key.

    Value = SeparateField(sContents, vbCrLf & KeyName & "=", vbCrLf)

    End If

    End If

    If isempty(Found) Then Value = Default

    GetINIString = Value

    End Function

    'Separates one field between sStart And sEnd

    Function SeparateField(ByVal sFrom, ByVal sStart, ByVal sEnd)

    Dim PosB: PosB = InStr(1, sFrom, sStart, 1)

    If PosB > 0 Then

    PosB = PosB + Len(sStart)

    Dim PosE: PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, sEnd, 1)

    If PosE = 0 Then PosE = InStr(PosB, sFrom, vbCrLf, 1)

    If PosE = 0 Then PosE = Len(sFrom) + 1

    SeparateField = Mid(sFrom, PosB, PosE - PosB)

    End If

    End Function

    'File functions

    Function GetFile(ByVal FileName)

    Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Go To windows folder If full path Not specified.

    If InStr(FileName, ":\") = 0 And Left (FileName,2)<>"\\" Then

    FileName = FS.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" & FileName

    End If

    On Error Resume Next

    GetFile = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName).ReadAll

    End Function

    Function WriteFile(ByVal FileName, ByVal Contents)

    Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'On Error Resume Next

    'Go To windows folder If full path Not specified.

    If InStr(FileName, ":\") = 0 And Left (FileName,2)<>"\\" Then

    FileName = FS.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" & FileName

    End If

    Dim OutStream: Set OutStream = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName, 2, True)

    OutStream.Write Contents

    End Function

    The following error is returned: A DTSTransformCopy must specify no columns (signifying a sequential 1-to-1 mapping of all columns) or the same number of source and destination columns.

    Does anybody know how to dynamically assign "DataPumpTransformCopy" properties.

    Thanks in advance.

  • You may want to take a look here:


  • what does  "Hi peeps,"  mean?

  • Pam Abdulla - Thanks for the responce but it doesn't seem to work the same. Darren uses a table/view to table/view pump. I am doing a table/view to delimited file.

    I've been trying to solve this for about 3 days now and cannot seem to get it resolved. I find alot of post with this problem, but no solutions though.

    ShellyP - 'peeps" is basically the same as "people".

  • Did anyone find the answer for above question ? I am facing the same problem...

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