Dynamically hourly data extraction in SSIS 2012

  • BI_NewBie (12/1/2014)


    Thanks for the reply.

    May be i have not cleared my question properly.

    My transaction system has huge data and i have asked to pull the data of last 2 months in my database. For that i have designed an ETL.

    below is the way i am pulling the data

    Select * from table

    where date >= '2014-10-01 11:00:00' and date < '2014-10-01 16:00:00'

    Now my problem is i dont want to hardcode date range since the data is of 2 months. i want to make dynamic package which automatically pick the date range of every 4 hours starts from Oct to till date.

    Thanks a lot !!

    I guess I just don't understand the need for going anywhere near SSIS for this.

    And you keep saying your dataset is huge but what is "huge"? How many rows and columns and average row length are we talking about here?

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