E R Diagram

  • How to convert an ER diagram for an existing database created in sql server into some other format such as JPEG or something for easier viewing of the client/user. This is relatively big database around some 300 plus tables 

  • I don't know of any way to do it.

    You'll need to purchase a software package.

    Er Win,


    ErStudio by embarcadero


    Visio Enterprise Edition (Not good with over 100 tables)

  • Thanks Ray

    yeah, I know about ER Win. But it is little pricey. But any idea about De Zign for Databases software from http://www.datanamic.com/order/index.html

    The reviews seems good

  • How about Printing that to a PDF Writer (printer) ?


     Just my $0.02




    * Noel

  • from where noeld?

    Diagrams in Enterprise Mangler?

    That is a very difficult tool to use.

    And a PDF Writer like Adobe Acrobat is a little pricier than Erwin, or ER Studio.

    2c is your change .


  • Did you try Visio?  It's not bad if you already own it.  If you have 300 tables, you might consider subject areas.  300 tables on a big .jpg is going to be a bit worthless.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • yes diagrams in Enterprise Manager (not Mangler)

    PDF writer : Price: $19.95

    Erwin: Price: $3,995.00

    ER Studio: could be Price: £3,225.38


    who was your  math teacher?  





    * Noel

  • Thanks a lot to all of you for suggestions. I am using ER Studio now to get the job done. But the problem still persists...How to get the entire database ERD exported to a file and save it so that anyone without having ER Studio can view it and take a print out. The entire ERD will be some 50 pages..

  • ERWin and Embarcadero both have the ability to export to a website.  They could view it there and print off each page.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • That sounds interesting! But I don't see anywhere 'export to...websites'. How do I export in Embarcadero

  • You could do a "Print to file", from ERStudio, ERwin, or wherever. Name the file fileName.eps, then run it through Acrobat to create a PDF. As stated, I can't see the use of such a large, cumbersome model in one document... I suggest you split it into functional subject areas.

  • In ER/Studio 6.6, you can FILE/EXPORT IMAGE  or, even better, just SELECT ALL, then copy and paste the diagram into MS Word or any other application capable of accepting graphics.

    In ERwin, just run the Report feature to generate HTML.  Ensure you have selected Diagram to be included, then ERwin will generate a series of webpages including the diagram.

    For those with a bit more money to spend, both ERwin and ER/Studio have read-only versions of their products.  These list for about $800 or more.


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