Earth Day - Help Monitor Mother Earth

  • You pick up garbage, plant a tree and celebrate Earth day, but did you ever think about helping Mother Earth with data? Each year citizen volunteers help monitor lakes, oceans, deserts, weather - you name it, and over time we are collecting a lot of data about Mother Earth. Unfortunately a lot of these programs are powered by citizen volunteers, and not enough volunteers are available to cover the roles. I just received my Wisconsin Citizens Lake Monitoring kickoff and again sadly there are only a few of us to cover a county full of lakes. How about helping our environment by collecting measurements and supplying data to these databases that have been set up in the monitoring networks? If you are a database geek its easy to get hooked at reviewing and comparing the data you collected, and it helps local officials with making decisions on the small area of the world that you love or call home. Many states have different monitoring networks - get involved and help Mother Earth (or at least have a good excuse to get outdoors)

  • Hey,

    that does sound pretty interesting and worth doing but I don't understand why there are so few people that work on these things. I mean, I get that there aren't too many volunteers but I know people from universities I went to that exclusivly focus on collecting environmental data to protect lakes and national parks.

    Is it a regional problem or do you think the problem is the lake of volunteers?

    Even though I work with SQL I come from a totally different professional background so I'm not sure if I can totally understand the approach you're pointing out. But I do admire your work and you motivation.

    All the best for you and your ideas,


  • There tends to be in our region of the US a lack of citizen volunteers. Funding for paid monitors has also been cut at the state level in a lot of states over the years. With Earth day coming up I wanted to make people aware that there is a different opportunity to help our planet that uses our skill set (working with data) as there is the need for data collectors and for people to be reviewing the data and taking action based on what the data reflects to keep their little corner of the planet healthy.

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