Easy Restore question from UNC path

  • OK, I'm having a "Senior Moment" here. I know I did it before but for the life of me I can't seem to do it again.

    I am trying to restore from a a UNC path where the backup file exists on another server.

    Here's a segment....

    USE [master]


    RESTORE DATABASE MyDB FROM DISK = '\\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\c$\ScrapHeap\MyDB_From_PRODUCTION.bak'



    blah blah blah....

    I get the following error...

    Operating system error 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).

    I even ran it in SSMS and I can SWEAR TO IT that I did that before......lol :hehe:

    Neither servers are in a domain so they are standalone but the credentials they use are identical for ALL SQL Services.

    Browsing to their UNC paths requires no popup auth window.

    Does it not like the '$' char?

  • Nevermind. I figured it out.

    I told you it was a senior moment.

    The problem was the account I creaed was missing the letter "s". So the creds SQL was passing was incorrect.

    Duh...... 😀

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