Effects of adding a processor

  • Hi All!

    We will be adding a processor to a Windows 2000, SQL Server 2000 sp4 server (going from a single processor to two). Other than having to purchase another processor license of SQL Server, is there anything that must be done prior to or after the processor installation. Specifically, can I expect any issues with SEQ Server? If so how should they be resolved? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • In my opinion you can upgrade without problem. I did it already one, without problems. Take a backup before just to be on the safe side.

  • You probably will not have any issues, but keep in mind that SQL creates execution plans very differently on multi-processor systems.

    If you have any issues, there are two things you can do as a temporary fix until you can work out the details. 

    The first is to set the MAX Degrees of Parallelism to 1.  This will basically tell SQL not to multi-thread individual queries to try to improve performance (let's not start a thread on what this will do here please).  This could be a fix if you find that some queries you were prevoiusly running have gotten much slower with a second processor.  I would then recommend you go back and rewrite the problem queries and change the setting back to 0 to get the performance improvement.

    The second thing you can do as a temporary stop-gap is to set the processor affinity to only use one of the processors.  I would say this is a last resort, but it beats removing the new processor if you are having a critical problem.

    I don't think you will have an issue, but these options can give you an alternative to removing the processor if you run into something.

  • Check with your windows tech too. Previous OS's had a different kernel for single / multi proc installs. I remember a while ago that you had to rebuild the OS to get it working with multi procs. I'm not as familiar with 2003's specs, so can't say if it changed or not.

  • Especially check with Windows as mentioned above.

    SQL should be fine, but watch performance as Michael mentioned. things change with multiple processors. Should work better, but watch it.

  • I would strongly suggest full database backups of all databases (system and user) and get them off to tape or another server. I say this because if the OS guys screw up the CPU addition and kernel change the server will become a large paper weight until everything is reinstalled. Unfortunately I have had this experience a couple of times in the past and was prepared ! 

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thank you all for the insight! I will let you know how this turns out!


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