Email Long Running SPID Info

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Email Long Running SPID Info

  • Excellent article. I have tweaked this to run on MSSQL 2005.

    • TIME is not a valid data-type in 2005
    • fn_get_sql is depreciated and replaced with sys.dm_exec_sql_text
    • I have also adjusted it to use a cursor to allow more than than just "top 1" (using top 5 as an example)
    • I also opted to use a temp table to store running data

    - LarrySql 😉

    DELCARE @LongRunningQueries AS TABLE


    lrqId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    spid int NULL,

    batch_duration bigint NULL,

    program_name nvarchar(500) NULL,

    hostname nvarchar(100) NULL,

    loginame nvarchar(100) NULL,

    sqltext nvarchar(max) NULL


    -- variable declaratuions

    DECLARE @exectime DATETIME


    DECLARE @Handle VARBINARY (85)



    DECLARE @timeLimit smallint

    SET @timeLimit = (1*60) -- minutes

    -- WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:05' -- uncomment for testing (1min:5sec)

    -- populate the table with execution info, you don't have to use top 1

    INSERT INTO @LongRunningQueries (spid, batch_duration, program_name, hostname, loginame)

    SELECT top 5


    , convert(bigint,DateDiff(ms,P.last_batch,getdate()))/1000

    , P.program_name

    , P.hostname

    , P.loginame

    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses P WITH(NOLOCK)

    WHERE (P.spid > 50)

    AND P.status NOT IN ('background', 'sleeping')


    AND convert(bigint,DateDiff(ms,P.last_batch,getdate()))/1000 > @timeLImit

    -- use a cursor to update the sqltext for each pid

    DECLARE @lrqId int

    DECLARE mycur cursor for

    SELECT lrqId from @LongRunningQueries

    ORDER BY lrqId

    OPEN mycur

    FETCH NEXT FROM mycur INTO @lrqId



    SET @SPID = (SELECT spid from @LongRunningQueries WHERE lrqId=@lrqId)

    -- get the SQL the SPID is executing

    SELECT @Handle = sql_handle FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE spid = @SPID

    UPDATE @LongRunningQueries

    SET sqltext = (SELECT text FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@Handle))

    WHERE lrqId = @lrqId

    FETCH NEXT FROM mycur INTO @lrqId


    CLOSE mycur

    DEALLOCATE mycur

    DELETE FROM @LongRunningQueries

    WHERE sqltext IS NULL OR sqltext=''

    -- populate a table with it's info and mail it

    SET @tableHTML =

    N'<H1>Long Running WFM Querys</H1>' +

    N'<table border="1">' +

    N'<tr><th>SPID</th>' +

    N'<th>Duration</th>' +

    N'<th>Application</th>' +

    N'<th>HostName</th>' +

    N'<th>Login</th>' +

    N'<th>SQL Executing</th></tr>' +

    CAST ( ( SELECT td = T.spid, '',

    td = T.batch_duration, '',

    td = T.[program_name], '',

    td = T.hostname, '',

    td = T.loginame, '',

    td = T.sqltext, ''


    @LongRunningQueries T

    FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +


    -- if @tableHTML is NULL, mail will not get sent

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    -- @profile_name = 'DEFAULT',

    @recipients= '',

    @subject = 'Long Running WFM Query found',

    @body = @tableHTML,

    @body_format = 'HTML';

  • Thanks Larry, and nice work on the tweaks!

    I was actually asked yesterday if I could do more than just the first most expensive query, so you have saved me a bit of work 😀

  • Hey, my pleasure, happy to help out.

    I tweaked this solution just a little further, noticing on my server that DB Mail tends to get caught as a long running process. You could also add 'suspended' to the status exception list if you are sure your processes don't go to sleep. Some logic can be added at the end to check for a count of lines where sqltext is not null, then proceed to mail out the details:

    SELECT @cnt = count(*)

    FROM @LongRunningQueries

    WHERE sqltext IS NOT NULL and sqltext <> ''

    IF @cnt > 1


    -- set subject to include server name

    SET @mySubject = @@SERVERNAME + ': Long Running Query Found'

    -- if @tableHTML is NULL, mail will not get sent

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    --@profile_name = 'DEFAULT',

    @recipients= '',

    @subject = @mySubject,

    @body = @tableHTML,

    @body_format = 'HTML';


  • I will recommend best practice not put your own temp table into master database, instead, create an AdminDB, put everything DBA uses into AdminDB. Include AdminDB in regular backup.


  • Thanks for the script.

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