Encryption Database Master Key/Certificate Expiration

  • I have a database that has several columns in a few tables encrypted via native encryption in Sql Server 2005. My problem lies in the expiration dates of the encryption certificate and the database master key. I know there is an ALTER CERTIFICATE command in T-Sql in S2K5 but that command does not appear to allow for modifying the certificate expiration date. I am not sure if I can modify the expiration date on a database master key or not. Does anyone know what happens when a certificate or database master key expire and how to extend the expiration date?

    Thank you,



  • Michael,

    Total shot in the dark but trying to help...start looking at this system table: sys.certificates This is where the certificates are held and their expiration date.

    Here is a link about certificates


    you can do a restore of a certificate so this may help

  • Thank you very much for taking the time to help. I very much appreciate it. I had come across that article shortly after I posted my inquiry here. It is a good one and I thank you for sending it along. I also found this blog which appears to come straight from the horse's mouth so to speak


    If you scroll down through the posting you will see that the expiration date is stored in the metadata but it is not used by anything other than service broker. It looks like the expiration date in my case can be ignored but I am going to try to renew it before then anyway just to be safe and to familiarize myself with the process.

    Thank you,



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