Encryption of data

  • I have a tasking. Specific data needs to be encrypted to 256 or better. I'm specifically concerned about the data in SQL Server databases, but a solution that would work for several db's (Oracle, etc) would be best.

    Does anyone know of a product that encrypts data on the database?

    I need to be able to have all new data encryted and all legacy data encrypted. The best solution for me would be to have the front end do all the encryption, but that doesn't solve the issue with data already on the database.

    My preference is either a front-end solution or a 'middle man' solution. I believe that we should not be encrypting data in the database, it should be encrypted before it is stored and decrypted once it is taken off the database.


  • Watch out for what you ask. Encrypted data can not benefit from indexes, grouping, searches, agregations etc. As long as you are ok with those limitations and have tested a possible solution you shold be fine

    * Noel

  • It's a legal requirement to encrypt information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other personal information. If the law requires it, your company has to do even if it means 'taking a bite' somewhere else.


  • You can do this in your app.

    1. Encrypt the data using your approved algorythm.  This will likely result in binary data even if the original data was all  text.
    2. Use BIN-64 to render a text result
    3. Store the result in a non-unicode field

    We have also used data obfuscation as well.  With numbers we just considered numbers as hex digits. So 1-800-555-1212 gets the 1 dropped then we store 5 bytes as &H80 &H05 &H55 &H12 &H12.

    I use a different routine for credit card numbers but I can't tell you that.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

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